So I've been evaluating my collection......I've looked at what I have and what I usually carry. Over the years I've noticed that what I tend to carry has changed and anymore, for the last few years, all I carry is my S&W 640 Pro......reasons, in no particular order.......concealable year round, its a totally reliable firearm, slim, has some stoutness to it for controllability, if the round fails to fire just pull the trigger again. Compacts are kinda "big-ish" anymore, unless you get into the subs and even then its kinda questionable sometimes. I've had the high capacity mentality in the past but the reality, after some study, is that nearly all encounters are just a couple shots and then over......I'm not sure where the shootout/gunfight mentality originated or why it perpetuates when its a negligible number of encounters annually. I've pretty much sold off my compact semi's, in favor of the 640........ I'm not judging anyone, I was you at some point for some reason.......for end-of-days planning full-size semi's are a logical staple, still have several CZ's to fill that "need"........what am I missing with the need for a high-cap carry gun .........