The majority of us, non LE carriers will pass our firearms down to our heirs when we pass, having never pulled them from the holster in anger. Most of those that do pull a firearm in anger will not have to pull the trigger. The majority of those that have to pull a trigger in self defense will do so 3 or less times. By shot 3, people are generally either running, bleeding out or figuring out what just happened. The dynamics for a civilian compared to LE are very different. LE will give chase, call in backup and can have dogs and helicopters on the scene before long when someone makes a run for it. But, with your average civilian, a thug can run, knowing full well that we are not going to run after them.
Given all of that, my personal focus is on making those first three shots count as much as possible. I want those first three rounds to be as effective as they possibly can to either entirely prevent return fire or at least reduce the effectiveness of it. One of my most commonly carried pistols is a Dan Wesson CCO. I shoot that gun very well and am willing to give up capacity with that gun. There are times that I do find comfort in capacity and I'll dial it up at times and carry anything from a P01, SP01C or P09/40.
I'm not suggesting that anyone that carries higher capacity pistols is doing anything wrong, but for me, what I wrote above is what how I've come to think about the issue. To each there own. For me, it's all about that first three rounds is my primary concern. Whether there are 5 more behind it or 14 more is not as important as those first three.