If one looks solely at stats, there would seem to be slim chance approaching none that any individual is going to ever actually be in a shooting incident. But not zero chance. On the other hand, it makes sense to carry what one reasonably might need plus, some "rainy day" reloads, etc. But when one begins to really justify and sensibly, too, that the minimum carry is at least two firearms, a knife, some form of less lethal option, like a heavy flashlight or gas spray of some sort, and upwards of 30 or more rounds of ammunition as just the basic daily load out, I guess it nears the point that I would ask, "Where the heck am I going? What am I doing? That I really need all of this?" Because if one really, really, needs all of that, maybe the right answer is, "Don't do that! Don't go there!"
I think the answer lies someplace in the middle. Although compared to the revolver days, 30 rounds might only be one mag change (or two for us Californians). So I don't think that's necessarily unreasonable. Nor do I think that a modern semi with perhaps less than 10 or a revolver with 5 or 6 rounds might not also be a reasonable carry option, too.
One really needs to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling because it is a serious matter. Everyone lives in a different place and the circumstances can be wildly different. I can look to what my dad carried in 30 plus years of LE and compare that to what a nephew and brother-in-law carry these days. And it's vastly different.