THANK YOU for that excellent write up. I have been doing my own reading and trying to incorporate handgun-specific exercises into my weekly weightlifting routines.
I have been spending about 20mins 2x/wk doing levering (forearm isolation) with a heavy maul and feel (totally subjectively) that it has improved my ability to control the pistol under recoil. However, Based on your write up forearm work of any kind is not going to make much difference for shooting, is that correct?
Previously I was doing gripper work but found that between grippers and dry firing I was heavily overtraining my trigger finger. This lead to both poor performance on grippers and demotivated me from dry firing, so I stopped doing them.
I replaced the gripper work with pinch grip deadlifts (I grip the plates instead of the bar) and a set of towel pull ups after a few sets of weighted pull ups for crushing strength.
Would love to hear your feedback on my routine.