Author Topic: Gunsmith reccommendations?  (Read 3560 times)

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Offline porterb123

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« on: May 30, 2006, 12:12:59 PM »
Anyone know of a reputable gunsmith that will work on my Shpinx AT2000 S. I want to have it smoothed or dehorned and adjustable night sights added. The front sight looks to be part of the slide, so a dovetail would need to be cut. The slide and controls would need to be refinished as well.
I know it is fine like it is and shoots tight groups already. I want to personalize it to my taste.
PS, I'm located in Houston, TX
Thank you

Offline ipscjody

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 03:56:08 PM »
George at EGW


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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 03:58:53 PM »
Jim Miossi, who participates here, is a possibility, too.

That's a high-gloss stainless gun.  What do you want done to the controls?

Be careful modifying it a lot -- as it may detract from resale value if you ever want to sell it to upgrade.

Offline porterb123

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2006, 05:23:09 PM »
Walt, I talked to Jim this afternoon and He suggested asking you a few questions first.
I want to add a set of adjustable night sights...He reccommeneded the Novak Etreme set which involved cutting new dovetails. I also want to dehorn the slide release and safeties. I can do that myself. I have done a few trigger jobs and make knives occasionally, so I have a good bit of metal working experience.
Also add a trigger overtravel screw and a commander style hammer.
Do you know if the CZ spur hammer will fit the Sphinx.
I will not do anything to the frame, but the slide and controls will need a new finish.

I know it's my gun, but what are your thoughts on my potential mods.
This will not be a concealed carry pistol. Mostly just to shoot at the range and a bedside choice.
I have a S&W 360PD, Glock 26 or Kimber commander size for carry.

Thank you


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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2006, 05:38:38 PM »
I don't know if the SPUR will work on the AT.  It does on the AT-84s, but don't know about the Sphinxes.   (I suspect they will, but I sure wouldn't buy one assuming that it does...)  The SPUR hammer can BITE.  You may end  up with a pretty gun that hurts you when you shoot.

I'd argue that adjustable night sights are overkill.  Just get night sights.  For home defense they make sense, but for range work they're not particularly useful.    

(Unless you're playing around with a lot of different loads, or handloading yourself, adjustable sights are more LOOKS than FUNCTION.  Most new shooters go that route when they first start shooting, but eventually revert to more practical sights.  Once you find a load you like, you'll probably never adjust them again.  

Check with Arizona Response Systems about refinishing the slide.  They do a ROGUARD-like finish that is very durable and attractive.   Look for the photo gallery -- I think its under the FINISHES tab.  That finish will keep it looking stock but it will actually be a better finish.

(Several of my friends have had guns done in Metacol III and its a very durable "Slick" finish.)

If you've just got to have adjustable sights, check CDNN from time to time.  They had adjustable sights for the SPHINX a while back.  (I did NOT get them for either of my Sphinxes.)

Offline CTS

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2006, 02:19:29 PM »
Since you asked for an "opinion"...

If you're not going to carry it, why grind on it?  The Sphinx has killer looks as-is.  On a tall, stubby piece like the Sig, it's an interesting mod- I have to admit, the SAS is an attractive piece.  I just don't see it with the Sphinx.  Mine is a big attention-getter at the range in stock condition.  As far as night sights, just send the slide to Trijicon for tube inserts.  Cheaper and better.  On finish- mine had some marks on one side.  I completely disassembled the gun and glued a sheet of 240 grit wet-or-dri to a sheet of glass.  In 5 minutes, it looked new.  The round areas cleaned right up too with a little hand-work.  I redid the slide and controls with Gunkote.  It's indistinguishable from new.  If you've never taken one apart, it's a bit tricky.  Getting the right side safety back in takes 3 hands.  You have a TINY notch that retracts the detent so the lever's barrel will slide in.  The Right side slide release is a bit tricky too.  It's easy to scratch that stainless with the backside of the slide release.  Watch out for swiftly springing springs!

Offline porterb123

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2006, 07:32:37 AM »
CTS and Walt. I am going to leave it alone. It's hard for me sometimes to resist the urge to tinker with my stuff.
Is there any info. on disassembly other than the exploded parts view in the manual?

Thanks for the replies

Offline CTS

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Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2006, 05:10:46 AM »
The only things not blatantly obvious- the safety is held in with a spring in the sear pack.  Lift and move to the side; the left safety has a detent pawl that has to be retracted while the sear is installed in order to reinstall the lever- use a small screwdriver on the little ears between the sear and the inside of the frame.; the mag release spring needs to be seated and then pushed all the way backwards before tightening the screw- it will rub the mag if you don't.; don't rotate the right slide release lever to disengage it from the spring- it will scratch the frame.  Other than that, it's just about like any other auto pistol.

Offline porterb123

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Re: Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2020, 01:56:36 PM »
Back from the dead. Everyone was correct. She is totally unmolested. I'm glad I did. Thank you all!

Offline jwc007

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Re: Gunsmith reccommendations?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2020, 05:33:07 PM »

Back from the dead. Everyone was correct. She is totally unmolested. I'm glad I did. Thank you all!

You are most Welcome!  :)

What some people don't realize is that more often than not, most Pistols can be serviceable, just as they come from the Factory.
Hacking on them, more often than not, decreases their Value, if you try to sell them.
This is particularly true of Firearms that tend to be rare and higher in cost.

Now there are exceptions of course.  My S&W SW9VE, which is neither rare or expensive, seriously NEEDED Trigger work to be serviceable.
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"