It was a lot of fun.
I set up three IDPA targets in one of the pistol bays and went to shooting. The PA Red Dot needed a little up and right but I got it zeroed right in.
I shot about 200 flawless rounds of my 125 gr Acme bullet reloads and everything functioned great.
The buffer tube to the cheek thing was a little strange and I sometimes forgot to keep it firmly planted.
Accuracy was great, I sighted it in at 20 yards as that is just under max distance at the indoor range carbine matches. I kept all my shots in-0 or in the head an shot at some 2" stickers and was able to hit them pretty good even with a bit of red dot flare I get with my old eyes.
I wished I had a sling to apply some back tension, I think that would have made me even steadier but it was a fun range day anyway.
Really a fun gun!