Author Topic: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant  (Read 45317 times)

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Offline romukom

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How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:58:06 PM »
You may know that last year, bunch of anti-gun laws were passed here in California.  For who will will move to California (for whatever reason) and want to keep your scorpion and other rifles like AR's, AKs the best bet is to make it featureless to be compliant.  The state also requires to report any firearms within 60 days by using the BOF 4010A form.

To be honest, I don?t know where does the Scorpion Pistol or even an SBR fall into this mess.
I don?t want to go to all the stuff of what consider AW features here otherwise will be a long post and at the end.  So, I will concentrate in how to make your scorpion carbine CA compliant.  This information can also give you an idea what needs to be done for other rifles as well.  The only reason why I was able to get a Scorpion is because my FFL has an out of state FFL middle man to be converted featureless before entering to California.  Slowly, there are manufacturer that are making their rifles like ARs California compliant by either being featureless or having a fix magazine.

In any case, here is what are needed to be done to have a California compliant Scorpion Carbine.

1)   10 round magazines. 
You can put a piece of plastic in between the magazine spring to limit the follower travel.  It is supposed to be permanent by using epoxy. A source of magazine block is magazine blocks is:

My 10/20 magazines have similar blocks.  Not sure where my FFL middle man got them.  Although it looks odd, there are CZ factory 10 rounds magazines.

2)   No flash hider. 
At least both carbine version does not have a flash hider.

3)   No front and rear pistol grip. 
We are not allowed to install a front pistol grip.  However, what to do with your actual stock grip? So we need to install fin grip, grip wrap.  So anything that prevents you to wrap your thumb around the grip.  You can make your own grip wrap out of kydex. One example where to get one is:

4)   Barrel and overall length. 
We are required that a rifle has a barrel no less than 16?.  Overall length is no less of 26? for both centerfire and rimfire rifles.  However, a 30" minimum length requirement for centerfire rifles pertains to rifles that want to avoid AW classification.  Yes, the gun laws here are so convoluted.  This is why we are able to get scorpion carbine instead of pistols.  Also not a lot of FFL are willing to deal  with this and only want to provide M1, Mini 30 or bolt action rifle.
So in order to meet the overall lengh the stock needs to be fixed. 

First we have to deal with the collapsible part of the stock. As you seen here, the stock roll pin was re-positioned.  The stock tube and shoulder pad was drilled with a 3mm drill bit. The stock was pinned on the second position.

If you don?t want to drill your stock, you can use a small piece of any material with a thickness of about 1/8?. Cut the material to the length to fill the slot between the roll pin.  If you need full extended or collapsed length, one piece is all needed at either end.  If you need the middle length, then you need two pieces of plastic.  Slide it in and reinstall the roll pin.  You may need a little bit of glue so keep in place for installation.

Now we have to deal with the folding mechanism of the stock. 
The way that was done in my scorpion was to add a spacer inside the stock catch (#79)  to prevent it from being pressed.  Install the stock catch with the spacer into the stock tube. Engage the catch first then swing the tube to align the hinge.  Once in place, the hinge pin is installed.  Depending on height of the spacer you may be able to push a bit of the button to start it then swing it around to alight the hinge in theory

But sometimes the spacer that is a bit too long and is difficult to install.  So you might ended up with a bit chewed stock catch like mine.  Apparently, a vise was used to squeeze the spacer to reinstall the stock. 
I was angry when I saw that later in the day when I first got my carbine. I  talked to my FFL to keep an eye of his middle man. I have seen in worst butchered conversions so this one is not too bad.  I got good service with my FFL for so many years that I let this screw up slide this time.  I was happy that my FFL was able to get what I wanted.   I am the kind of guy ?if I got lemons, make lemonade out it?.   

To fix this to my like, I decided to use another approach.
First I have to deal with the missing parts stock catch spring and pin (#93 and #77).  For the spring I went to Home depot and got a spring set.  I used a 29/64 x 1? spring.

As for the stock catch pin, I use a 1/10 scale r/c car suspension hinge pin that I have in my spare parts box.  Those are 3mm in diameter and 35mm long.  I has a groove to install an E-clip.

Now I drilled and tap the stock catch.  The hole location is the center second ?valley? from the middle.  This location place the set screw inside of the spring.  I am using a 3x 22 mm set screw.   An 4-40 to 8-32 set screw can also be used.

Here is bottom view of the stock catch.  Notice where the set screw is located in relation of the stock catch?s cavity.   

With a small square and flat files, the groves were mostly cleaned.  A quick spray job with Krylon flat black, the stock catch looks much better.

With this new approach, the stock can reassembled as intended per the factory.  To lock the stock catch from being pressed, simply screw in the set screw (with blue thread lock) until it touches the bottom of the stock tube.  The little protrusion seen in the picture feels negligible.

I hope this will help someone.  Yes, it is crazy living in California.  A lot of us are still fighting for our rights.  For those who says ?I don?t need to worry, my state will not go that way? Well, from talking to many old folks here, this is what some used to say here.  Just keep vigilant.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 02:38:43 PM by romukom »

Offline armoredman

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2017, 10:09:11 PM »
Thank you for the detailed instructions, much appreciated, very sorry you have to deal with this. It is sad that while some states like my home in Arizona, improves firearms related laws every year, and California and a few other states try repeatedly to make life more and more difficult for honest people. The pendulum is swinging the other way, so we'll see what happens.
But again, thank you for the detailed presentation - the glued in magazine blocks will fly under the law? I knew Jersey would allow mag blocks, but I wasn't sure about Cali.

Offline akuser47

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2017, 10:21:52 PM »
Defiantly thanks for taking the time to share. There are a few that may still need this and also any new owners.

Offline Tok36

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2017, 10:36:29 PM »
Interesting stuff. I have seen a few people ask about this topic here on the forums. Thank you for the post.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline romukom

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2017, 10:37:32 AM »
Yes, that was the intend.  Thanks for the encouragement.

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Offline SouthernScorp

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2017, 09:31:28 PM »
you poor bastards out in california, makes my heart ache with all the hoops they put you guys through :'(
CZ Scorpion Evo S1 Pistol:

SLR Synergy Mini comp
PMM Safety Levers
Dual HBI Prostock Charging Handles
Gearhead Mag Release
HBI Trigger Spring
HBI Delta Trigger
PMM QD Front & Rear
Magpul MS1 + QDs
Holosun HS515cu on ADM low mount
Vendetta VP-17-A AFG

Offline b10001

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2017, 09:56:32 PM »
To fellow CZ Scorpion owners and potential buyers in California/NY

CZ Custom provided an excellent solution. They developed EVO Thordsen Adaptor that allows use of Thordsen FRS-15 stock with EVO carbine.
That makes Scorpion EVO carbine featureless. It no longer needs an ugly cage that functions as bullet button.
EVO in this configuration is very convenient (from personal experience). Coming in June Thordsen gen 3  stocks will make the gun look  even cooler.

Link below is not Scorpion, it shows Thordsen gen 3 stock that can now be used with EVO

Offline OhHey1

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2017, 10:47:54 PM »
And people complain about jumping through hoops for a tax stamp... you need a hobby other than guns if you live in CA haha!
-Form 1 filed 11/15, approved 3/16
-HBI AK safety lever
-HBI left side safety delete
-HBI Duckbill magazine release
-HBI Delta extended charging handle
-HBI Theta trigger shoe
-CZC trigger pack
-CZC upgraded disconnector
-CZC trigger job 3#
-CZC Zhukov adapter and stock
-Yetiwurks Switchback

Offline st381183

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2017, 11:04:49 PM »
That Thordsen adapter could be used to mount AR-15 grips as well......

Offline b10001

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2017, 03:55:18 AM »
Adding pictures to my original post

Offline akuser47

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2017, 05:42:14 PM »
That is wild looking, and I like it better than the sharkfin options. is looks like you could even shoulder it with that.

Offline Fate

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2017, 10:15:50 PM »
Glad that it has now been made safe compared to the dangerous baby killing machine it was when it wore a pistol grip and bullet button because dropping mags with your finger is not only faster but safer too than using a tool.

Offline akuser47

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2017, 10:39:07 PM »
Hey honest citizens could never " GET TO THE CHOPPER" (as Arnold said in movie Predator" ,if they had evil features  lol.

Offline armoredman

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2017, 11:40:02 PM »
That is very weird.... :o  But with that setup it can still use a regular mag release and standard, albeit 10 round magazines?

Offline romukom

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Re: How to make your Scorpion Carbine California compliant
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2017, 01:23:51 AM »
Yes that is right. If you read Fate's comments you realize how backwards the legislators are. Basically they want to ban every guns and rifles by classify them as AW.
"Glad that it has now been made safe compared to the dangerous baby killing machine it was when it wore a pistol grip and bullet button because dropping mags with your finger is not only faster but safer too than using a tool."

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