Mahalo for the lead! Will do!. I've got a gritty creep that I really want to get rid of.
808--There simply are no aftermarket sear and hammer parts for the Sigs. Bruce Gray at Gray Guns has a spring kit that helps some, along the lines of most spring kits, that is, a lighter hammer spring, lighter firing pin safety block spring, etc. I used to buy his spring kit for each of the 6 or 7 P-226's I have modified. Then I put the hammer in a vise and polished up the hooks with 2000 paper wrapped (one layer) around a tiny flat file that would fit in that notch. There is no way to get a proper stone in there, so it has to be done by hand. I did the same with the sear contact surface, and then put it back together and tried it. I think I also smoothed the trigger bar where it contacts the inside of the frame all the way to the sear leg contact area. Eventually, I went back and took a little material off of the top of the hammer hooks to shorten up the single action trigger pull. Mine are smooth as silk now and I still shoot them in new shooter classes, and have one as a nightstand pistol. For a service or self defense gun, they are excellent, once you recover from the initial cost. Mine were 100% reliable in all the IDPA matches I took part in when i was younger. No complaints here other than lack of aftermarket support.
I like the Sigs, but I am a tinkerer and love the fact that we have CZ's that can be tinkered with until you drain the bank account. With a full size CZ, we are starting with a service gun that can be turned in to a competitive bullseye/IDPA/USPSA/etc match gun for less than what a factory Sig service gun costs. You can get whatever you want for a CZ in a few days from several good suppliers/shops. (I'm partial to CGW, by the way.)
My favorite non-CZ 9mm is a Stainless Steel Elite P-226. It is heavy, beautiful, and almost as accurate as any plastic $500 CZ. It was also very expensive. My least favorite 9mm is an X-5 All-Around that has been a disaster since new because of the factory botched extractor design. It is a safe queen, even after a trip to Bruce Gray. I think Bruce has a fix for the X5 extractor now, but I'm too happy with every single CZ to mess with it any longer. That X5 is a very expensive safe queen. I couldn't use it for anything other than a plinker. Once I got the Stainless Steel Elite (with the standard P-226 100% reliable extractor), the X5 was never taken to the range again.