I see there is a magazine interchangeable master list but either i missed it or dont know how to use it. I beleive the Sar CM9 gen2 is the predesesor to the Sar b6b anyone know what if any CZ or Sar mags interchange with a CM9 ? Thanks ahead of time.
Mags that work in the CM9 Gen 2:
Mec-Gar MGCZ7517AFC - 17 Round
Mec-Gar MGCZ7519AFC - 19 Round
Sarsilmaz B6P - 17 Round
CZ 75B 18 rounder works and other CZ OEM mags, but they are much more expensive than MecGar. Strangely the K2P Gen 1 Mags are not the best fit because there will be a gap.
The MecGars are the best fit, lowest price (around 25 bucks give or take). The 17 rounder fits darn near like OEM and the 19 rounder extends, but is a perfect fit.