Traded my p07 urban grey for a black p10c and very happy. I shot a buddies p10c 2 weeks ago and fell in love.
Grip is more aggressive than I would like, similar to FN pistols. My girly hands will have to adjust

Trigger is amazing and reset is short. Slide release on both sides aren't hard.
overall I am happy.... except for the magazines
My gun came with 3 mags and 2 got +2 extensions on them. Issue I am having is of the 3 mags 1 will not drop free, 1 will mostly drop free, and 1 shots out like a rocket ship.
The mag that doesn't drop free has no extension. When I hit the mag release and keep it held it the mag drops aprox 3/4 in down and stops. Once I take my finger off the mag release the mag drops. This has been replicated with slide closed, slide locked back and slide removed from gun.
The mag that mostly drops free seems to drop aprox 7/8in down and stops until I take my finger off the mag release. This occurs more frequently when the mag release is pushed hard and fast.
Should I attribute the issues to a new gun and should work itself out, or is there something I can do?
Mag that does not drop free
Mag that sometimes drops free
All three magsL mag that rockets out
C mag that sometimes drops free
R mag that doesn't drop free