Author Topic: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly  (Read 3038 times)

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Offline Kratchet

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CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« on: October 07, 2017, 11:45:53 AM »
Hi guys. I hope I'm posting this in the right place, first time poster. I was wondering if I could ask your expert opinions on a rather silly situation that's come up.

I'm not very mechanically inclined. I tried several searches of the forum first but couldn't find anything else like this.

Long story short: I traded off one of my CZ's (the Phantom, 9mm, mfg date circa 2008) for another gun.  It was fired very little, about 150rds over three range trips throughout the years (I just don't get a lot of time for the range nowadays), never tinkered with, and very well kept like all my guns.

So the new owner texts me right after the trade that the gun is broken. I'd tested the action a couple of times myself right before the trade; and it worked just fine.  He sends me a photo, and after some searching and looking at a parts diagram I conclude that it is what remains of the trigger bar lifter (six little pieces, sorry I'm a newb and don't know how to link the photo). He claims it just "popped out" when he went to take the gun down. I asked him how he took it down and he claims with a fully cocked hammer. I'd always taken it down after raising the hammer to half cock from fully lowered. 

Can anyone weigh in on if this is a problem you've ever heard of? Could it be because of some negligence on my part, incorrect disassembly on his part, or would it have taken a serious act of gunsmithing to get that trigger lifter out of there (the new owner claims he put it on his workbench)?

Any advice would be really appreciated.

*Subject line edited for clarity- the correct part per the CZ partstore is "trigger bar lefter assembly-*
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 12:40:56 PM by Kratchet »

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2017, 01:34:25 PM »
   I can say I've not heard of that part breaking before. Can't say as to how it broke tho.
   It's not a part that's touched on a normal take down IIRC. I'm trying to remember, but I think it comes into play when switching mag release from RH to LH, but can't remember for sure.
    Not sure what you mean by taken down, if you refer to removing the slide, then either full or half cock will work. If you mean tearing it apart, then the hammer spring is usually removed first to take any tension off parts.
   If it was me, I'd quit worrying about "who's fault" it is and spend the $15 and get it back up and running for the buyer.
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Offline Kratchet

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Re: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2017, 02:03:18 PM »
Thank you. If it wasn't clear I did mean "take down" as in a basic field strip.

It's not so much about vindication for me personally as it is more of a curiosity on how an internal component could just disintegrate like that on a gun that was in great condition.

I of course appreciate any feedback anyone with Phantom experience can provide. I'd be lying if I said "who's fault" wasn't a bit of a concern. If it's a realistic parts breakage on a lightly used gun, of course I understand making it right and providing a replacement part, but should I be on the hook if it's the result of some kind of user-error on the part of the home gunsmith? Can anyone comment if that particular assembly is prone to any kind of breakage without taking the gun down further than the basic field strip?

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2017, 07:09:28 PM »
If you can post pics it would help. Did some digging, is the other guy sure it's broken? This is the first I could find using the search on the forum or internet for that matter.
   The lifter itself breaks down to 4 parts. Without pics we can't tell if the lifter is broke or if the other 2 pieces are different parts. Here's a schematic of the Phantom.
    Parts 72-75 make up the lifter.
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Offline schmeky

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Re: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2017, 10:41:38 AM »
That's not normally a problem area at all.  If the mag release was reversed and not done properly, this could happen.  Ask the new owner if the they are left handed.

This could be a clue.

Offline Kratchet

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Re: CZ 75 SP01 Phantom- broken trigger bar lifter assembly
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2017, 01:20:59 PM »
Guys thanks for the input. I still haven't heard back from the new owner.

Schmeky, I suspect he did do something to the magazine release. I can't say for sure he tried reversing it, but he was complaining that it was "sticky." Knowing now what you've said about it not normally being a problem area, and the new owner saying he "put the gun on his gunsmith bench," I'll assume he did something to launch the parts out.

Thanks again for your help, all.