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Offline bcj128

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #30 on: December 05, 2017, 03:36:01 PM »
P10C is an outstanding gun from all I?ve heard.  I?d go for that!

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Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #31 on: December 05, 2017, 03:45:54 PM »
Heck... I may just get a Glock.

My goodness you overthink things don't you?  Since you seem too, I pose this question.  Gaston the buffon Gluck has admitted in court testimony that his glucks cost him $64 and change to produce and all the rest is profit.  You now have to make the choice on if you are going to buy a Gen4 or a Gen5 gluck.  Like Hickok45 said in his video, do you choose the Gen4 with its at the moment abundance of spare parts?  Or do you pick the Gen5 with its future of spare parts availability?  If even the gluck-o-phile Hickok45 ponders what he will do, maybe you should too.  Or just get the P10c which as Hickok45 says, is a $100 cheaper and visibly more robust in every way.

I gotta wonder what about a PCR makes it hard for you to rack the slide.....

Ok let me go thru this...
I definitely like to think things thru and make the right decision the first time.
Second... I was already planning on buying a Glock until I stumbled on the CZ P-01... upon which I did extensive research (lots of hours) in just a couple days and made a very quick decision to get it (no stores around have them, heck neither do most online stores)
Lastly, I was half joking.

In the end - this has all been a very quick process for me and since that the P-01 / PCR is out of my hands (yes I get they are different guns... lol... kind of. Everyone keeps saying that and I get it, but really they are basically the same) now I?m up for re-evaluation.

Maybe it?s just the one I had but it was definitely hard to rack than the PCR.

Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #32 on: December 05, 2017, 03:46:32 PM »
P10C is an outstanding gun from all I?ve heard.  I?d go for that!

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I am currently leaning this way but jury is still out.

Offline KME

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2017, 06:55:50 PM »
I think the conversation, though spirited and informative, was misdirected. I think your actual question was, "which pistol make the most sense for me to carry?" The conversation would still be far ranging but it could not commence without knowing more about your background.

Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2017, 07:27:14 PM »

Things I want:

Carry pistol
Very Accurate
Very reliable
Very durable / TOUGH
Will stand the test of time
Good trigger (4.5-5lbs, short reset, crisp, minimal grittiness)

And hopefully -

Offline spcava

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2017, 07:30:35 PM »
Have you considered the P-07?  It fits all of that criteria, and the slide is easier to rack on the p-07 than the p-01.

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Offline 0119

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #36 on: December 05, 2017, 08:02:59 PM »
Things I want:
Carry pistol
Very Accurate
Very reliable
Very durable / TOUGH
Will stand the test of time
Good trigger (4.5-5lbs, short reset, crisp, minimal grittiness)
And hopefully -
I really don't buy any pistol for any purpose but carry myself.  Competition of any kind bores the hell out of me!  I've always been a Sig man, its what I was issued, it was with me as my sole protection for decades.  I always wanted to know more about a CZ since the 80's.  Its only recently that CZ's have been available in my LGS's for me to finally examine.  Coming from that strictly West German made steel and sense of quality, I gravitated to Sig when I retired.  I found American Sig to be a crap shoot as far as quality goes.  Just like you wrote, I want first and foremost..."very reliable, very durable and TOUGH".  My most recent Sig left me wanting and sadly I discovered their very poor customer service.  Then very shortly afterwards I finally found a LGS with a few CZ's in stock.  Immediately examining it with my OCD mentality both inside and out one thing became immediately apparent.  That CZ 75 was built just like my West German Sig's were.  It had an air of rugged durability, it gave me a sense that it would last the test of time just like Col. Cooper believed.  Not covered in laser aesthetics hiding its Korean made frame and Made in India mim internals.  Trigger is subjective I suppose.  Many CZ owners think I'm nuts for ranting about how smooth and crisp I think they are.  Its for carry, I see no sense in competition parts opening windows of illegality for a smart lawyer.  Its much easier to just grow in tune with the guns quirks just as good shooting cops do every qualification.

Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #37 on: December 05, 2017, 08:11:37 PM »
Things I want:
Carry pistol
Very Accurate
Very reliable
Very durable / TOUGH
Will stand the test of time
Good trigger (4.5-5lbs, short reset, crisp, minimal grittiness)
And hopefully -
I really don't buy any pistol for any purpose but carry myself.  Competition of any kind bores the hell out of me!  I've always been a Sig man, its what I was issued, it was with me as my sole protection for decades.  I always wanted to know more about a CZ since the 80's.  Its only recently that CZ's have been available in my LGS's for me to finally examine.  Coming from that strictly West German made steel and sense of quality, I gravitated to Sig when I retired.  I found American Sig to be a crap shoot as far as quality goes.  Just like you wrote, I want first and foremost..."very reliable, very durable and TOUGH".  My most recent Sig left me wanting and sadly I discovered their very poor customer service.  Then very shortly afterwards I finally found a LGS with a few CZ's in stock.  Immediately examining it with my OCD mentality both inside and out one thing became immediately apparent.  That CZ 75 was built just like my West German Sig's were.  It had an air of rugged durability, it gave me a sense that it would last the test of time just like Col. Cooper believed.  Not covered in laser aesthetics hiding its Korean made frame and Made in India mim internals.  Trigger is subjective I suppose.  Many CZ owners think I'm nuts for ranting about how smooth and crisp I think they are.  Its for carry, I see no sense in competition parts opening windows of illegality for a smart lawyer.  Its much easier to just grow in tune with the guns quirks just as good shooting cops do every qualification.

Thanks so much for your input. I appreciate your view.

What do you carry now?

Offline texasmojo

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2017, 01:44:19 AM »
So you came across the P01 omega and passed on it ???? Some people just don't know whats in front of them.

Offline 0119

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2017, 07:58:42 AM »

Thanks so much for your input. I appreciate your view.
What do you carry now?

After I retired I stuck with my off duty Sig P239.  Manufactured in the 90's when Sig was SigArms its quality is to the West German standard.  I grew tired of carrying an extra mag, just too difficult in blisteringly humid S.W.Fl.  I wanted extra capacity to negate the often times left at home extra mag.   I also found its grip awkward, the gun top heavy and tip heavy.  For a short time I went to the Sig P938 but didn't find pocket carry cocked and locked comforting.  A Sig M11-a1 seemed the logical choice and I find comfort in my confidence in instinctly handling the platform.  But its quality turned me away from Sig forever.  Thats when I finally found CZ's to handle and examine.  Frankly the first time I felt the compact 75's ergomonics it was like a light bulb went off in my head.  My wife said I let out a gasp!  I couldn't pass up the deal using CZ's first responder program, it made its cost well under half of what I paid for the Sig.  Yet it had all the Teutonic quality I found in the Sig of old, maybe minus its poly guide rod!  Its my carry now.

Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2017, 08:16:50 AM »
So you came across the P01 omega and passed on it ???? Some people just don't know whats in front of them.

My LGS just got everything in that I?m interested in at the moment and I got to try them all out including the PCR, P-01 Omega, and P-10C.

I tried to love the PCR and P-01 Omega, but I am very not used to DA/SA. And since I?m not used to that system the DA is so long and heavy to pull. I understand that?s it?s safety feature, but it makes it unpleasant and uncomfortable to shoot. And the Omega version?s trigger was ?worse? IMO than the PCR. The reset is very long, and there?s a good amount of slack you have to take up every time. And I?m just not a fan of that, even if it is the ?favored child in the family?. I know I can get the CGW triggers installed on it but honestly I just don?t think I?m comfortable with the DA concept, nor do I wannna get rid of my new purchase for 2 & 1/2 months and spend another $500 to make me like it (sights and trigger). I?m also not sure about wanting to spend $1000 on a carry gun.
The things I do like about the P-01 and PCR are its all metal, reliable and comfortable in the hand.

So I am not meaning to be ugly but... honestly I do know what?s it front of me and just didn?t take to it, even if it is everybody?s favorite.

Offline 0119

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Re: P-01 Quick Help *UPDATE: Found & Bought
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2017, 10:31:24 AM »

I tried to love the PCR and P-01 Omega, but I am very not used to DA/SA.
And since I?m not used to that system the DA is so long and heavy to pull. I understand that?s it?s safety feature, but it makes it unpleasant and uncomfortable to shoot.
I?m just not a fan of that
honestly I just don?t think I?m comfortable with the DA concept

The things I do like about the P-01 and PCR are its all metal, reliable and comfortable in the hand.

So I am not meaning to be ugly but... honestly I do know what?s it front of me and just didn?t take to it, even if it is everybody?s favorite.

I dont think anyone thinks your being ugly.  This is a sub forum for the DA/SA compacts so maybe we are sku'ed that way here.  I think most CZ fan's are sku'ed towards the DA/SA and not particularly gluck type pistol fans. 

I think you finally answered your own question and are resolved to what YOU want.  Personally I hate to see all this striker fired, safeties are stupid, fashion that is so prevalent today, but thats me.  No action platform is for everybody I guess, thats why there are so many.  Just remember that little plastic tab in the trigger is not a 100% safety.  They say it is, but they fail to take in the human holding the pistol.  Every single, and yes I mean every single without exception, 100%....every military and L.E. agency that went to a striker fired pistol has seen an increase in accidental/negligent discharges.  Gluck will deny it, agencies might deny it.  But it is true.  Good luck finding what makes you happy and just be safe.   I have used a DA/SA in anger more than once and never noticed the heavy DA. Never noticed the difference between the first shot and the subsequent shots.  Never thought about its heaviness after decocking.  And that Sig's trigger pull was a beast compared to my CZ's DA pull.   

Offline 007_Bond

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Re: P-01 Quick Help... Still In The Hunt
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2017, 12:00:11 PM »
Thanks so much for the reply. I appreciate it.

I just didn?t want my response to the previous post to be viewed as aggressive or arrogant.

I am very much new to the ?conceal carry pistol? arena.
And I very much do like safety features. A couple of my pistols had safeties on them (HK P30 and Sig Sauer P938). I appreciate those features. But then I discovered and learned the principle of ?never trust mechanical safeties?. And I get that too.

I do think I?m more of a striker fired pistol guy. It is definitely what I?m more familiar and comfortable with.

The PCR/P-01 I can tell is a very comfortable in the hand and quality gun. And my main attraction to it originally was due to a few reasons:

- all metal design
- safety from the DA design
- Tim from MAC channels carry preference
- proven reliability over the course of a long period of time

Since then I?ve discovered some more things that have made me not quite as over enthusiastic about this particular pistol.

- I?m not comfortable with DA trigger yet as I?m not good with it. And I do understanding training would help. I?m just not sure that I have the time to learning that platform as I don?t get to shoot all that often, and striker fired pistols are easier for me at least to pick up/learn/get comfortable with.
- I?ve talked with CZ several times and they?ve more than once said that their polymer pistols are just as tough & durable as the all metal designs. I honestly don?t know how this is possible ... plastic being just as strong as metal BUT I trust them to know more than I would. So the ?extra durability and toughness of all metal? concept doesn?t matter anymore I guess. Yes sure maybe it counts in other things like an all metal rail (where frame and slide join together) instead of just certain sections of the rail being metal and other sections being plastic of a polymer gun.

- Reliability over a long period of time (years) still rings true for the P-01, but it also does for polymer guns (i.e. Glock)

Anyways - when I first started this thread I was ready to pull the trigger on this P-01 or PCR merely cuz of reviews and thoughts on this forum and others (I know, bad thing to do right? But most of us do it to an extent), and as well most all know these particular pistols are hard to find, so getting a Janice to ?try before buy? was not an option. Until recently when my LGS has then show up and I got to try them. Beautiful gun, utterly reliable, accurate, durable, comfortable grip... etc. but in my hands and abilities, I don?t feel accurate or safe with a DA I guess.

Anyways - there?s my thoughts and I might possibly conclude soon that DA might not be for me but we will see.

I will probably be over at the Polymer section a or more now as I?m pretty interested in the P10-C. My only hesitation with it honestly is it?s pretty new, hasn?t been time proven yet, and by the looks of it it is still having a good amount of issues and is still in its growing pains stage.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 12:05:36 PM by 007_Bond »

Offline 0119

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Re: P-01 Quick Help... Still In The Hunt
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2017, 12:46:13 PM »
I do think I?m more of a striker fired pistol guy. It is definitely what I?m more familiar and comfortable with.

I?ve talked with CZ several times and they?ve more than once said that their polymer pistols are just as tough & durable as the all metal designs. I honestly don?t know how this is possible ... plastic being just as strong as metal BUT I trust them to know more than I would. [/quote]

You'll be hard pressed to find a striker fired all steel pistol.

I too fret over things like getting a model in its first production year.  CZ does have many many years of polymer history though, be it the CZ 100 of old or the hammer fired current models.  I don't think they are new to it.  I wholeheartedly agree with you about the mainstream thinking of poly being as strong as steel.  I don't care for it much.  I do have a couple FN FNS-9c's and their FNX 45.   None of them have had a malfunction and they are tough as nails like all FNAmerica products.  I have edc the compacts, my wife does every day.  Striker fire is just not for me.  Hickok45's video does a visual comparision of the internals of the gluck and the CZ P-10c. If you haven't seen it, the robustness of the P-10c is apparent.  The P-10c just doesn't seem compact enough to be called a compact to me.

Offline delphidoc

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Re: P-01 Quick Help... Still In The Hunt
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2018, 09:32:10 AM »
007_Bond did you make a decision on a gun yet?
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