Don't care what you think about the dude or the channel..
But for those who even think bird shot on a 12 gauge is a viable home defense or self defense optjon, go hang out with Joe Biden
Check at the 2:30ish mark, not 3 feet away, full on 12 gauge birdshot to the face....... take a guess what happened
Not sure why anyone would disparage John or ASP... he puts out solid content.
One recurring thought I have regarding self defense tools and training - it seems that sometimes people form their opinions based on how they
think things would work or how they
feel about them... rather than on how the body of collected data actually says things work.
There are two kinds of stops in a defensive encounter: psychological and physiological. A psychological stop is one where someone
decides to stop doing what they are doing in the face of (armed) resistance. Some (perhaps even most) criminals are simple opportunists - they want a safe, easy score and have no desire to face off against a "determined" target - but not ALL criminals are like that. That is where a physiological stop is required - that type of criminal is stopped because they were physically
made to stop.
Since I have no way of knowing where a criminal may fall in that psychological/physiological spectrum, I try to choose tools that will be effective in the
worst case scenario. If the simple act of drawing my pistol or presenting a long gun stops an encounter - great! I'm not going to bet my life on that happening, though.
FWIW, my primary HD gun is my carry pistol but I supplement that with a "safe room" gun: a 12ga semi-auto loaded with Federal Flite-Control 00 Buck. I may only have one opportunity to stop a threat and I want that once chance to be as effective as possible. Let no pellet go to waste! ;-)