I've found that your better off calculating the correct front sight height based on your actual gun. I've tried getting the sight recommended and it didn't work.
Here is what I do:
Install preferred rear sight.
Go shoot off a rest at a known distance (I like 10yds) several groups of varying ammo that you plan on using (minimum 5 shot each) using the stock front sight.
Calculate the average vertical offset from all the groups.
Use the Dawson sight height calculator to determine the correct sight height needed for your gun shooting your ammo here: the sight directly from Dawson here: sure you pick the SP01 option front sight from Dawson. There are different dovetail depths on CZ's. The SP01 and original shadows have a 0.060 inch deep dovetail.
If you run into trouble post up your group results and we can help select the correct front sight.
I'd you don't care to do any of this and just want to get the recommended sight I think I have one in my parts bag from when I ordered a matched set from cgw for my SP01. I could make you a deal on it.
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