After leaving retirement for a part time job at a gun store, I needed an OWB carry pistol, and some testing during range rentals lead me to the P-01. It fits my hand well, exhibited slightly more but manageable recoil compared to my SP-01 tactical, and was a tack driver at 10, which is the expected operational usage at work/home for HD.
I bought one new in the box. At purchase I field stripped (was well lubricated), cleaned slightly and lubed per spec. Took it to the range today and ran 100 total rounds at 5/7/10 yards, so it is NOT broken in. I started with Winchester 124g NATO, as my Colt PCCs and my SP-01 just love the stuff. Perhaps I should have started with something lighter. I couldn't believe the amount of recoil with this round. I tried basic Winchester WinClean at 90, 124 and 147grains, and found slightly less recoil but still quite surprising and odd.
My guess, and it's just a guess, is this isn't nearly broken in and things will improve. But, this kind of recoil may be indicative of a defective and weak spring. Despite being an SP-01 fan I've not looked at the aftermarket much, this P-01 needs a bit more control and certainly replacement sights (what comes on the SP-01 are fine).
Thoughts? Thanks...