I picked up my new P-10 C today. Just returned from the range. Shoots accurately. Grip texture is aggressive. I admit, my hand toughness isn't what it once was, but my hands still feel warm. Mag release is too flat and obstinate, but I am used to extended releases on Shadows. I know CGW has a fix coming, if not already.
Trigger is very smooth with an amazingly short reset. Mine measured about 5.25 lb on my gauge which was more than I expected. I will shoot it awhile and check it again. However, I was probably always going to swap it out for the new CGW trigger. I want to get rid of most of the pre-travel.
I am going to change out the sights. I have fiber optic fronts and serrated blades on my Shadows. However, my PC Shield has the red fiber optic front and the green fiber optic rear and I like those and seem to shoot them well. I am leaning that direction if I can find some to fit. Have any of you put them on your PC-10 C?