Author Topic: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment  (Read 9283 times)

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Offline Craig M Arnold

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2018, 03:01:27 PM »
I think that it is good for people to share both their positive and negative experiences with firearms. I've had literally hundreds of firearms over the years. Some I really like and still have. Some that just did not work for me so I've sold them and moved on. It is great to have choices.

I like my P10, but can understand some folks having issues with the factory trigger. It can be uncomfortable for some. I'm planning on replacing my P10 trigger as soon as CGW has a replacement out.

I believe that the OP is doing the right thing. If a gun does not work for you, sell it and move on. God knows there are a ton of other great pistols out there.

Best regards.

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Offline cremaley

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2018, 03:19:54 PM »
The CZP-10C is the best shooting handgun I have even owned. Sorry you don't like it but then that's your problem not mine.
What's the point of this post? Your entitled to your opinion but jeez man, why so personal?

All I was saying is he doesn't like the P-10 but I do.  As you said everyone it entitled to their own opinion and that was just mine. Sorry if it bothered you. Wasn't trying to be nasty.
CZ 10-PC 9mm (HBI Trigger, CGW Striker 3lb spring, GGI Stainless Guide Rod 15lb spring)
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2018, 03:27:57 PM »
Triggers, fingers, grips.  Some people have issues that others don't.

I never had issues with my .40 S&W P07 or my 9MM P09.  But when I bought that .40 S&W P09 it just ate my trigger finger up.  Exact same trigger as the 9MM P09 and same rounds as the shorter/lighter P07.  But it would pinch my finger down at the trigger guard/tip of the trigger.  I finally ordered a trigger for the older DUTY P07's and put in it and that cured the trigger bite issue on the "big" P09.

I went from 1911's to Glock.  I thought, "what a lousy trigger."  Then I went to XDMs.  Then to M&Ps and man, those were worse than the Glock triggers.  The my P07.  Made me the CZ fan I am today.  Well, to be more accurate, the P07 put on the road to becoming the CZ fan I am today.

You can't shoot a gun (very much) that hurts your trigger finger.  That, and lack of accuracy keeps my Browning BDM in the gun safe.  Understand how you feel about the trigger bite.

Good luck with whatever brand/model you try next.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2018, 04:48:31 PM »
I found going to a larger size backstrap makes me grip the pistol higher, and therefore puts my trigger finger just higher enough that the pinch doesn't happen anymore. Adding something slick like electrical tape under where your finger gets pinched between the trigger and trigger guard also reduces the post-practice soreness.

To me, if it points naturally for me, I can train around the rest. From two range sessions to IDPA match, and even with an IWB, classified Marksman with little trouble. If I were to practice a little and not fumble the reloads I am sure I'd hit Sharpshooter or better with it.

Offline jertex

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2018, 12:21:21 PM »
If I came off snarky or something that wasn't my intention. I just found it curious that little part you stuck in there about listing your p10 and selling it quickly and cheaply.

I see no reason that you found it curious unless you're again attempting to imply something.

That shows how quickly CZ is responding to the issues. Unlike the FN 509 which has had known magazine release issues since it was released and I haven't found any info to suggest FN has a fix or are willing to fix the issue.

Apparently the CZ warranty department is excellent to deal with also. What they don't fix to users satisfaction, the aftermarket has stepped in faster than any other new pistol I've known.

On this we agree, I had a problem with light strikes with my Dan Wesson 715 revolver & they paid for shipping both ways, resolved the problem & had it back to me in 10 days. Their warranty department is outstanding. I'm a photographer & use Canon pro equipment & their warranty response rivals Canon's on their pro photo equipment, which is saying something.

You cannot even compare this trigger with a PPQ trigger. The PPQ trigger has a rolling wall and break and is one of the most unique I've felt. Some love it, some don't. I like a more crisp wall and break like the P10 and most other guns I've fired. The Caniks I've dry fired did have decent triggers but are almost too light for concealed carry *for me*.

The P10 trigger seems to smooth and lighten up the more wear they get. I'd be curious to know if the already great, out of the box trigger pulls of the PPQ and Caniks lighten up too much when they get some wear on them.

I've seen a lot of people complain about the P10 trigger shoe but never a complaint about the trigger pull itself. If you haven't, I'd recommend you take your P10 back to where you bought it (if new) to compare to other P10s if possible and let a gunsmith give you an opinion. Maybe there's something wrong with the gun that needs to be fixed. Not everything is perfect the first go around and there are teething issues with quite a few new guns, past or present.

I think CZ has more than made their P10 slogan "Improving on Perfection," referencing Glock. The P10 so far is way better than Glocks and for less money.

Wow, not my experience with the PPQ at all. Mine (now my son's) is crisp & clean with a short, crisp, tactile reset. Mine is the only one I've fired so I can't speak to others. The trigger pull was a 4.8 lb average and the Canik that I own averages right at 5 lbs. My ideal pull on a defense handgun is between 4 & 5 lbs. For lack of a better term the DA trigger pull on the Canik averaged about 9 lbs and was relatively smooth & consistent. Quite similar to a good revolver. I haven't owned the SA or FA Caniks that I've fired so I can't really speak to their trigger pull weight but they seem comparable to the PPQ, maybe a tad heavier, but it's really hard to tell w/o a gauge.

Even worse for me than the finger pinch on the P10 was the fact that I couldn't shoot a decent group. I'm no champion shooter but I can shoot a 3" group at 10 yards (with the occasional flyer) with virtually every other pistol/revolver I own without a lot of effort. Not even close with the P10 which may have been completely due to the discomfort with the pinch, I just don't know at this point.
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Offline cremaley

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2018, 01:15:46 PM »
Just curious have you let someone else shoot your P-10 to see if they shoot it any better than you can?. This might tell you if its the trigger or perhaps something else is wrong with your P-10.
CZ 10-PC 9mm (HBI Trigger, CGW Striker 3lb spring, GGI Stainless Guide Rod 15lb spring)
Sig Sauer P365 9mm
Sig Sauer P320 X Carry 9mm
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Offline jertex

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2018, 02:29:58 PM »
Just curious have you let someone else shoot your P-10 to see if they shoot it any better than you can?. This might tell you if its the trigger or perhaps something else is wrong with your P-10.

Excellent question. My two buddies who were with me did shoot the P10 & did experience the pinch. Their groups weren't good either but they don't shoot very tight groups as the norm, although they do OK. I'm perfectly willing to believe that I was affected by the discomfort caused by the finger pinch which may mean that I'm as big a wimp as I thought.  :o It also could be in my head simply because I was expecting a better trigger than I experienced. I really jam my right hand as high & tight into the beaver tail as I can, which can cause a downward angle on the trigger finger that may make me more prone to the pinch.
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Offline cremaley

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2018, 05:57:05 PM »
Just curious have you let someone else shoot your P-10 to see if they shoot it any better than you can?. This might tell you if its the trigger or perhaps something else is wrong with your P-10.

Excellent question. My two buddies who were with me did shoot the P10 & did experience the pinch. Their groups weren't good either but they don't shoot very tight groups as the norm, although they do OK. I'm perfectly willing to believe that I was affected by the discomfort caused by the finger pinch which may mean that I'm as big a wimp as I thought.  :o It also could be in my head simply because I was expecting a better trigger than I experienced. I really jam my right hand as high & tight into the beaver tail as I can, which can cause a downward angle on the trigger finger that may make me more prone to the pinch.

I think you said you did not want to invest anymore money into your P-10 but I will tell you that I did in mine and its now one of the finest shooting handguns I have ever owned. Total investment around $155 including an HBI flat trigger with 3 pound striker spring, CGW tool steel striker and Gray Guns super black stainless steel guide rod with 15 pound spring. Trigger pull now averages 4 pounds 14 ounces and is smooth as silk. While the trigger finger pinch with the stock trigger never really bothered me, the HBI flat trigger completely eliminated that for me. So for a total investment of $655 I now have, what I consider to be, the most accurate handgun I have ever owned. My P-10 has performed flawlessly and I carry it every day.
CZ 10-PC 9mm (HBI Trigger, CGW Striker 3lb spring, GGI Stainless Guide Rod 15lb spring)
Sig Sauer P365 9mm
Sig Sauer P320 X Carry 9mm
Springfield 911 .380
"Remember the first rule of gunfighting...have a gun"-Jeff Cooper

Offline clinttho

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointmentni
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2018, 11:40:49 PM »
Before saying anything I want to make clear I believe a great trigger is just one part of a gun?s accuracy and overall performance. I?d rather have good sights and er foes with a decent trigger on a gun than the best trigger with not very good sights/Ergos

I finally was able to shoot a P10c. It was a friends,  used (bought in December) P10c and I was a bit let down by, you guessed it, the trigger. The trigger was not comparable to a brand new PPQ let alone either of my used ones. The P10c I shot had some grit in the take up, a heavier break, a longer reset, and the pinching OP complains of. It was nowhere as good as any of the 3 out-of-the-box PPQs and the Canik TP9SF I?ve owned. My canik has a nicer trigger, hands down, and I paid 339 for it. I liked the sights, texture, ergos and lack of muzzle flip on the P10c.  And it was accurate enough at 15y for defense use.  It?s offhand groups rivaled  the Canik but not the 4? PPQ with a couple thousand rounds and definitely not the 5? with several thousand  through it. The P10c trigger is good-better than most $499 compacts but I was let down as I?d been reading all the great things and how the trigger was incredible for the last year, how it would overtake the striker fired  pistol scene.  I expected a PPQ reset with smooth takeup that didn?t seem to want to travel into the grip to fire. If I buy one I would put in the trigger system CGW is developing and probably the steel guide rod along with the CZC gold front night sight with a small dot rrear night sight. I?m a CZ fan and the only guns I own that have all stock components are my Canik, my P99 and 45 Shield(edc since the day I first shot it and bought it) if I?m not mistaken. The other thing I noticed is the P10c was large for an iwb CC gun. Larger than my Glock 19 and even a little bigger than the 4?PPQ. 1/10? of a difference height or grip width matters to me.

I have a Phantom,it?s Cajunized via the defensive carry package and ezd sights and I love it. Best shooting pistol I have. I wish they made a compact for carry although the p07 is somewhat similar. Also,have a CZ75b with the same setup only night sights from CGW and love it almost as much. I want a compact CZ.

 I?m still thinking about buying a P10c and dropping in a trigger and maybe sights. OTOH I may buy the more proven P07 (or a steel/alloy compact like a PCR or p01) instead. I had a p07 and traded it a couple years ago. An obvious mistake as I remember very little of it.  I don?t kmow which Compact CZ I can make sing the best and do so using the least $  It would serve as a carry and range/steel challenge fun gun.

Tbh I was most surprised with the M&P 2.0 9mm than anything i shot Monday. It was near new, has better stippling and ergos and sights than the P10c IMO and is smaller-enough to matter for carry. I do carry a bone stock 45 shield so maybe I?m biased but  the trigger has very little takeup, a clean 5lb break with no over travel and an okay reset. IME the trigger gets much better and lightens up nicely with just 300rds or so. 75 for an apex action kit or 150 for the kit and fwd set flat trigger might be worth it. Bone stock it was nearly as accurate as my 4? PPQ. The 45 shield I have is a tack driver out to 25y and the 9mm 2.0 proved to be the same. It would make sense to get one if I want to stay with the same manual od arms... however i have no doubt I?d end up putting an apex trigger and tfx sights on, woule likely carry over to my Shield.

Sorry for the novel. I agree with op to an extent but no one gun fits all.

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2018, 12:15:10 AM »
And I, as the chief cook and bottle washer for this place, agrees that the free flow of information IS what's important here, not a huge cheering section, but not a giant bashing demolition derby, as I have seen elsewhere, and have had to eliminate here. Courtesy IS the watch word here.
No gun will fit anyone, and it's impossible to try. Otherwise we would have one full size pistol, one compact pistol and one subcompact pistol from one maker for everyone, and that would be that. Maybe you could get different colors...
So diversity is an excellent thing for handguns, as we all like different things. Many people love Glock - I can't stand 'em, don't fit me worth a hoot. I talked to an old friend who has been doing the CZ thing for longer than I have, and he was somewhat surprised that I had decided to carry a striker fired pistol after so many years of being a hammer guy. It's OK, everyone likes something a little bit different, and that's the beauty of firearms diversity. ;)

Offline Rickytick

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointment
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2018, 10:03:21 AM »
Well said armoredman. The gen 4 Glock 19 with medium back strap was made for my hand, finger groves and all .( except those darn plastic sights)

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointmentni
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2018, 10:45:34 AM »
Tbh I was most surprised with the M&P 2.0 9mm than anything i shot Monday. It was near new, has better stippling and ergos and sights than the P10c IMO and is smaller-enough to matter for carry.

I love the grip texture on the M&P 2.0 - IMO as good as it gets for a factory "stipple" job :)

If you liked the M&P 2.0 full size you should check out the M&P 2.0 Compact... it is G19 sized, which many believe is the ideal size for carry.
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Offline Raining_Brass

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointmentni
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2018, 10:51:23 AM »
Tbh I was most surprised with the M&P 2.0 9mm than anything i shot Monday. It was near new, has better stippling and ergos and sights than the P10c IMO and is smaller-enough to matter for carry.

I love the grip texture on the M&P 2.0 - IMO as good as it gets for a factory "stipple" job :)

If you liked the M&P 2.0 full size you should check out the M&P 2.0 Compact... it is G19 sized, which many believe is the ideal size for carry.

This. 2.0 grip texture is without a doubt the nicest OEM polymer texture on the market. I'm in love with my 2.0 Compact and 2.0 4.25", especially after putting Apex FSS kits in them both.

Online Earl Keese

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointmentni
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2018, 10:55:46 AM »
Tbh I was most surprised with the M&P 2.0 9mm than anything i shot Monday. It was near new, has better stippling and ergos and sights than the P10c IMO and is smaller-enough to matter for carry.

I love the grip texture on the M&P 2.0 - IMO as good as it gets for a factory "stipple" job :)

If you liked the M&P 2.0 full size you should check out the M&P 2.0 Compact... it is G19 sized, which many believe is the ideal size for carry.

This. 2.0 grip texture is without a doubt the nicest OEM polymer texture on the market. I'm in love with my 2.0 Compact and 2.0 4.25", especially after putting Apex FSS kits in them both.
My brother in law just bought a 4.25" M&P 2.0 and absolutely loves it. Enough so that I think SIG lost a loyal customer. I'm gonna shoot it next weekend.

Offline Raining_Brass

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Re: Picked up a used P10C, big disappointmentni
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2018, 10:58:08 AM »
Tbh I was most surprised with the M&P 2.0 9mm than anything i shot Monday. It was near new, has better stippling and ergos and sights than the P10c IMO and is smaller-enough to matter for carry.

I love the grip texture on the M&P 2.0 - IMO as good as it gets for a factory "stipple" job :)

If you liked the M&P 2.0 full size you should check out the M&P 2.0 Compact... it is G19 sized, which many believe is the ideal size for carry.

This. 2.0 grip texture is without a doubt the nicest OEM polymer texture on the market. I'm in love with my 2.0 Compact and 2.0 4.25", especially after putting Apex FSS kits in them both.
My brother in law just bought a 4.25" M&P 2.0 and absolutely loves it. Enough so that I think SIG lost a loyal customer. I'm gonna shoot it next weekend.

Here's my 2.0 4.25". Gun has just over 6K rounds on it as of now. Has never given me an issue one and it's a tack driver.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 11:00:45 AM by Raining_Brass »