Author Topic: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions  (Read 12449 times)

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Offline 2morechains

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Good news for CZ shooters in Production and Carry Optics division.  USPSA released their minutes from the feb 9, 2018 BoD meeting, along with revised Appendix D4 (Production) and Appendix D7 (Carry Optics). 

The most significant change:
App D4 (Prod) 21.6 Exchange of minor External components: Sights, firing pins, firing pin retainers, pins, extractors, magazine releases, slide stops, thumb safeties, triggers, hammers, bushings, and ejectors MAY be replaced with OFM or aftermarket parts.

App D7 (CO) 21.6 Exchange of minor EXTERNAL components:  Sights, firing pins, firing pin retainers, pins, extractors, magazine releases, slide stops, thumb safeties, triggers, hammers, bushings, and ejectors MAY be replaced with OFM or aftermarket parts.  ?Barrels are considered ?external parts? and are subject to specific  restrictions in 21.3. 

IMO, back in April 2017 when NROI issued a ruling allowing use of aftermarket hammers provided they functioned identically to the OFM hammer, this opened the door so it was only a matter of time before it was extended to other minor external parts such as trigger shoes, mag releases, thumb safeties, striker plates, slide stops, etc...

I read this to mean that P10C guys can replace their trigger shoe with one from HBi or CGW.  Ditto on extended mag releases from CZC.   

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 oz including the optic.   

Oh, and CO and PCC are full fledged divisions now, no longer provisional. 

Offline TheMO

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2018, 07:25:35 PM »
That's great news I like the changes.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 07:38:24 PM by TheMO »

Offline 2morechains

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2018, 09:36:19 PM »
CO changes go into effect right away.  Production not until May 9 (3 months from now). 

Offline miller_man

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2018, 07:44:01 AM »
Good news I guess. Finally the hammers are in.

 PCC is totally legit now - yay ::) I probably shouldn't knock it - never shot it and I'm sure its a blast. Just don't enjoy all the wasted time on stages with people discussing PCC, start positions and a few guys running a stage twice for pistol and pcc.
List of guns here?

Online Stuart

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2018, 09:42:25 AM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Offline sdlrodeo

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2018, 08:32:19 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Thanks for the affirmation Stuart!

I was just reading the minutes/appendices and I?d been monitoring CZCs S2 CO projects as well. I?m glad to hear this will be doable. Well, sort of glad. I already have a SP-01 Shadow Target for PROD and an SP-01 with the slide milled for CO. Now I?m going to have to buy two S2s!!!

After I get my new limited gun maybe...

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2018, 10:03:38 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Wait, you can mill holes for CO now? I thought you could only make shallow cuts (no holes).

Offline sdlrodeo

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2018, 10:14:57 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Wait, you can mill holes for CO now? I thought you could only make shallow cuts (no holes).

Yep. Appendix D7 21.2b I believe.

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2018, 10:18:02 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Wait, you can mill holes for CO now? I thought you could only make shallow cuts (no holes).

Yep. Appendix D7 21.2b I believe.

Wait, that says you can't do lightening cuts?

21.2bMilling of slide ?only as required to insert optical sights A slide may be modified specifically for the purpose of installing optical sights or cocking serrations.  Textured finishes, grip tape, milling or stippling on the slide to provide texture is also allowed. Cuts that are designed to specifically or significantly lighten the slide, such as holes, are ruled as competitive advantage and prohibited.

Offline sdlrodeo

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2018, 10:21:55 PM »
So now they Upped the weight over factory spec by 4 ounces for production.

How can I add weight to my SP-01 shadow Target besides a tungsten guide rod ( not that keen on those anyway)? Has to be internal weight.

Oh, the Bull Shadow comes to mind I suppose.

But how else? I guess I could drill/mill the receiver and inlay some tungsten but that is not specifically allowed and therefore I?d read it as prohibited.


Online Stuart

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2018, 10:24:55 PM »
Brass Grips would be an option.

Offline sdlrodeo

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2018, 10:25:27 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Wait, you can mill holes for CO now? I thought you could only make shallow cuts (no holes).

Yep. Appendix D7 21.2b I believe.

Wait, that says you can't do lightening cuts?

21.2bMilling of slide ?only as required to insert optical sights A slide may be modified specifically for the purpose of installing optical sights or cocking serrations.  Textured finishes, grip tape, milling or stippling on the slide to provide texture is also allowed. Cuts that are designed to specifically or significantly lighten the slide, such as holes, are ruled as competitive advantage and prohibited.

As of Feb 9,2018 the board changed it. If you go to Member resources and look at board meeting minutes then click on the appendix D7 toward the bottom of the Feb 9 links you?ll see the update.

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2018, 10:27:18 PM »

However bad news for S2 shooters, the BoD did not increase the max weight for Carry Optics.  Its still 45 ounces

They are allowing slide lightening . Holes to be cut through. So no issue to make weight.

We were able to make weight before, but this makes it too easy now.

Wait, you can mill holes for CO now? I thought you could only make shallow cuts (no holes).

Yep. Appendix D7 21.2b I believe.

Wait, that says you can't do lightening cuts?

21.2bMilling of slide ?only as required to insert optical sights A slide may be modified specifically for the purpose of installing optical sights or cocking serrations.  Textured finishes, grip tape, milling or stippling on the slide to provide texture is also allowed. Cuts that are designed to specifically or significantly lighten the slide, such as holes, are ruled as competitive advantage and prohibited.

As of Feb 9,2018 the board changed it. If you go to Member resources and look at board meeting minutes then click on the appendix D7 toward the bottom of the Feb 9 links you?ll see the update.
Ahh, gotcha. Thanks!

21.2b Milling of slide A slide may be modified specifically for the
purpose of installing optical sights or cocking
serrations. Textured finishes, grip tape, milling
or stippling on the slide to provide texture is
also allowed. Cuts designed to specifically or
significantly lighten the slide, such as holes,
are allowed

Looks like my PO7 will be CO legal now since I got the Pit Viper cut! Definitely considering getting a second S2 for CO now though.

Offline sdlrodeo

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2018, 10:27:50 PM »
Brass Grips would be an option.

Happen to know anyone making them? Preferably with a grip texture similar to the PT evos?
Wink wink nudge nudge.

Offline MoRivera

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Re: Feb 9, 2018 Changes to USPSA Production and Carry Optics Divisions
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2018, 09:52:00 AM »
Was just talking to someone the other night regarding the Production rule change...and it seems as if they were motivated by the extent of OEM customization that one can do to a CZ but not to other guns.  For example, (previously) you can use an OEM 85C trigger (and whatever work inside) as well as a CZC 'race' hammer and still be Production legal, but not an Apex trigger on an M&P or a ZEV/etc. on a Glock.  And also, some non-OEM/aftermarket parts from like Cajun are so close visually to some OEM parts, does or should it make a difference?

Jokingly referred to it as 'CZ Envy', but it does make sense to help level the field, so to speak, for what can be done within the spec rules.  But for CZ guys, I guess it also opens it up even more.