It is possible to have bullet profiles that won't feed well at a particular OAL. One particular bullet I've dealt with wouldn't feed reliably inside a range of .010 -- as in, it would feed 100% at 1.110 and 1.090, but not at 1.100. It happens. It doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. And shooters are typically too quick to think it means their pistol has a problem.
Also, there is no OAL at which a gun feeds well. The OAL ranges where the pistol feeds well are dependent on the bullet profile and will change from bullet to bullet.
It is ALSO possible with a new gun that it simply needs to be broken in. I have seen a pistol choke on a particular load 3 or 4 out of 10, then function 100% with the same cartridges after it's had several hundred rounds through it. It is possible that this could be fixed by hand cycling it a few hundred times.
Also, make sure you've cleaned the pistol thoroughly and re-lubed it.
And finally, it could just be that pistol doesn't like that commercially produced ammo. It happens.