Author Topic: Resolved - Issue with Bren chambering a round  (Read 4035 times)

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Offline wyoung

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Resolved - Issue with Bren chambering a round
« on: April 30, 2018, 10:44:23 AM »
Edit: mostly resolved

I was shooting my Bren pistol over the weekend and everything was going fine. My mag was empty and I inserted a new one. I chambered a round, pulled the trigger and all I heard was a click.

I noticed the bolt wasn't closed all the way so I tried to pull back the charging handle but it was jammed. I put the safety on and carefully removed the lower. Then I was able to pull back the charging handle and remove the cartridge. This is what came out. It looks like it got jammed into the feed ramps if I had to guess.

I put everything back together, inserted a fresh mag and tried to chamber another round. I didn't let the bolt slam, I just manually pushed the charging handle forward with a little force. The new round wouldn't chamber.

I tried several other rounds and they wouldn't chamber either. I got home, took the gun apart again, cleaned it and tried chambering a round. The only way the round will chamber is if I let the bolt carrier slam forward. I tried different multiple factory rounds and they all were the same.

The rounds chambered fine in two other guns.

What could be wrong? Should I just send it back to CZ?

« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 11:54:29 PM by wyoung »

Offline GeeMan

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Re: Issue with Bren chambering a round
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2018, 02:06:19 PM »
Simplest things first...  Is the magazine seating and locking into place correctly?  Feed lips OK?  Is the follower moving normally/freely? Did you try a different magazine?  The indentations on the case look like they were made by the locking lugs due to the round being at the wrong angle when approaching the chamber mouth...  just my 2 cents...  post a follow-up when you can?

Offline wyoung

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Re: Issue with Bren chambering a round
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2018, 02:36:17 PM »

Simplest things first...  Is the magazine seating and locking into place correctly?  Feed lips OK?  Is the follower moving normally/freely? Did you try a different magazine?  The indentations on the case look like they were made by the locking lugs due to the round being at the wrong angle when approaching the chamber mouth...  just my 2 cents...  post a follow-up when you can?

You're probably right about the indentions being from the bolt locking lugs slamming up against the cartridge. Also, notice how far the bullet is set back from the cannelure.

As far as I can tell, the magazine is fine. Actually I had three identical Pmags and I can't tell the difference between the three.

I probably should have clarified a bit in my OP. I'm not using a mag to test if I can chamber a round, I'm just putting a round in by hand to see if the bolt will close. It's like the bolt needs several thousands to close smoothly.

Say for example, if I take the lower off my AR and drop a round in the chamber, I can push on the back of the BCG a little and the bolt will lock shut.

On the Bren with a round in the chamber, I have to force the bolt to close either by letting it slam shut or by forcing the charging handle forward.

I was hoping someone could tell me if their Bren bolt will close on a round easily without much force. I'm assuming it will.

I've inspected the bore and chamber as best I could and don't see anything that could be wrong. I'm wondering if the bolt got damaged when it slammed against the cartridge.

Offline wyoung

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Re: Issue with Bren chambering a round
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2018, 08:56:22 PM »
Well, the first problem is solved. The bolt extractor spring on the Bren seems to be a lot heavier than on my ARs. That explains why it takes so much force to lock the bolt on a round. Once the case is snapped into the extractor and on the bolt face, the bolt will lock and unlock pretty easily. Lesson learned.

Now to find out if anything is wrong with my mags to cause the malfunction.

Offline romukom

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Re: Issue with Bren chambering a round
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2018, 11:52:47 PM »
Thanks for the report. Hopefully you will be able to find the cause.

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Offline Kedzie

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Re: Resolved - Issue with Bren chambering a round
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2022, 04:00:37 PM »
Did you ever find the solution? Half of my polymer CZ mags have the same issue, where if I tilt the gun upwards and release the bolt, round won't chamber fully, whereas if I point it muzzle down, the gravity will assist the bolt and chamber properly.  Is it the recoil spring being weak or the magazine spring too strong?