I have not see much information here on the P09 Kadet Kit. I realize all Kadet kits work the same but we do need some P09 love here.
We start with a brand new P09.
We need to accessorize the new P09. A Kadet kit is perfect.
The .22lr barrel is made of stainless steel but the finish is a bit crude compared the other caliber barrels. Note the slide stop is marked .22lr as only the external part of it is the same as the 9mm. I'm posting more on the slide stop.
The Kadet slide stop is on the right, the 9mm slide stop on the left. Yeah, that's a redundant statement but this is the internet and someone out there will wonder, 'What's the one on the left?'
The Kadet slide is a bit lower than the 9mm so the slide stop pin (whatever it's called) has one side milled flat to account for that. It's hard to see in the photo but the Kadet slide release has a different shape to it. It has a rounded shape Vs the angles shape of the 9mm slide release. You can also see some machine marks on the 9mm slide release.
Another view of the Kadet slide release Vs the 9mm slide release.
Here we can see why the slide stop has that flat part to fit through the frame.
As found on many CZ pistols, the guide rod is made of plastic, or that fancy word for plastic, POLYMER! Plastic sounds cheap. Polymer sounds high tech, like embedded nylon glass polymer, etc!
A view of the guide rod end with the metal end piece that rests against the slide.
A close examination of the polymer guide rod reveals some tiny bits of plastic, probably some casting flash or shavings under the spring. One can also see a rub mark on the guide rod. I'll pick those bits out of there and closely watch for more wear as I use the Kadet kit. Maybe a steel guide rod upgrade will be in order eventually.
The Kadet slide next to the P09 slide. The Kadet slide has a darker & shinier finish, closer to what the steel frame pistols have.
It takes like 30 seconds to install the Kadet kit. One thing is that the Kadet slide does not have an index mark like the 9mm slide does. CZ, how hard would it have been to add that?
The Kadet kit comes with two 'polymer' magazines that hold 10 big rounds of .22lr! There is a thumb slide built into the magazines to help with loading. It's very similar to what Ruger uses on the Mark IV pistol magazines. It will also make your thumb just as sore as when loading a Ruger Mark IV magazine.
I thought this was interesting. A loaded Kadet P09 magazine is not quite single stack and not quite double stack. I've cycled the pistol with a loaded magazine and the magazines feeds just fine. It just looks odd.
So how does a P09 look with a Kadet kit? Huge compared to many stand alone .22lr pistols. Having a Kadet kit for $250 MSRP is a great deal compared to buying a separate .22lr plinker pistol. This should be fun.