We won't get into a Glock bash here.
I would and have encouraged people to try as many as they can before they buy, especially when I worked at a rental range/gunshop, and it was often interesting what people ended up choosing. The only one that really threw us was the little old lady that chose a single action Vaquero in 44 Mag...and she could HIT with that thing, too. Freaked us all out, but what the hey...
But it all comes down to individual fit and feel. I don't like the Glock grip angle but qualify Expert or Distinguished Expert every year with one. Its a fine, functional well built sidearm, and if we all liked the exact same thing...what a boring world this would be!
BTW, I tried the "little gun for the little woman" thing with my own wife, before I realized I was an idiot, and it cost me four revolvers and two autos before she finally found her RAMI and was instantly in love. The day she picked it up her jaw fell open - it was made just for her hand, and I vowed to never, ever again buy a gun for someone that they hadn't tried.