Author Topic: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued  (Read 10143 times)

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Offline PappaWheelie

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Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« on: August 14, 2018, 09:53:28 AM »
Lucas Gun Oil has nearly the extreme pressure lubricity of Amsoil Severe Gear, with added bonus of handy dispenser bottle and firearm protection additives that Severe Gear likely lacks. Weapon Shield, FP-10, CUDALUBE, and (especially) Amsoil Firearm Lubricant are "...weighed in the balance and found wanting."
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2018, 02:42:40 PM »
I went by Lowes to day to pick up a couple things.  As I was walking out I saw small bottle of oil for the air powered tools.  I grabbed one for my new air nailer (putting up baseboard/quarter round, etc. in an upstairs bedroom/hallway).

Anyway I got to wondering how that stuff wold be for gun oil. 

It has to lube the piston/walls under pressure and stay on the piston/walls for a good while.  You put a couple/three drops in the inlet of the nailer every day and run it all day.  That oil has got to be good at staying where you put it and good at lubing the moving parts or the air guns would wear out prety quickly.  Anyone ever use it on a gun?

It's not cheap, almost $5 for little 3 or 4 oz. bottle.  Just curious.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline huskerlrrp

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2018, 05:24:32 PM »
I followed your threads. Very interesting. You must be the Forums lurking tribologist. :) Your methods seem pretty legitimate for comparison.

Have you checked your method with something like Mobile One that has some published data out there (I've seen 0.09 to 0.12 out there for 15w-50)?

I used Mobile One oil and axle grease for years but since have gone to Lubriplate SFL-0 due to my eczema/cracking hands.

Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2018, 10:07:56 AM »
I followed your threads. Very interesting. You must be the Forums lurking tribologist. :) Your methods seem pretty legitimate for comparison.

Have you checked your method with something like Mobile One that has some published data out there (I've seen 0.09 to 0.12 out there for 15w-50)?

I used Mobile One oil and axle grease for years but since have gone to Lubriplate SFL-0 due to my eczema/cracking hands.

Hi huskerlrrp, see the latest update which includes an intensive duty Mobil 1 product. I'll check out Lubriplate SFL-0.

What you call "your method" was specifically intended to compare the "Extreme Pressure" (EP) characteristics of gun lubes, hence the higher coefficients.

Here's related text I sent to an interested party:

Friction coefficient is just the ratio of the horizontal (fish scale-measured) sliding force to so-called "normal" (i.e., perpendicular) force, in this case the 20 lbs gravitational force pushing down on (so shared by) the nearly "point contact" balls.

The average of the breakaway sliding forces (say the 3.00 lbs of Weapon Shield) divided by the 20 lb. normal force yields the 0.15 friction coefficient.

Putting so much weight on so little support area is what makes for so-called "extreme pressure."

The theoretical "point contact" of perfectly rigid or hard materials is in reality "small area contact" because of the elasticity (think rubber parts) of the materials in the real world where there is no such thing as a rigid body.

Like a huge water balloon resting on a trampoline, the "footprint" areas are larger than single points. The steel plate and the balls both deform elastically, and to some extent "plastically" or permanently in the case of the mild steel platform plate.

If the contact area were to be substantially larger, like plate on plate, or even cylinder on plate, it wouldn't be such an "extreme pressure" test and the friction coefficients would be much lower.

The above "cylinder on plate" geometry probably best represents the worst of firearm application, i.e., line contact, but the "point contact" of 3-balls with a support surface is both more severe and more consistent in terms of geometry: no need to deal with parallelism between cylinder(s) and plate.

Out of curiosity I'm motivated to get some Valvoline Full Synthetic for comparison: it's pretty impressive for Platinum Plus to be so comparable at such viscosity disadvantage!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 10:26:21 AM by PappaWheelie »
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Offline huskerlrrp

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2018, 02:41:53 PM »
Thanks for the explanation. It looks like you are getting into some contact mechanics then. That gets really complicated, really fast.

I can send you some of the Lubriplate grease, if you like. I have no idea if it's empirically any good (just works).

Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2018, 02:40:20 PM »
Thanks for the explanation. It looks like you are getting into some contact mechanics then. That gets really complicated, really fast.

I can send you some of the Lubriplate grease, if you like. I have no idea if it's empirically any good (just works).

Send me a PM, huskerlrrp; I'll happily test it.

Below is a continuation of posts at in that some glitch keeps it from posting at this time:

The sample of "Moly Cote" arrived from WCS labeled Moly "G" which I was unable to locate on the web except for numerous Chinese language links. Upon query, he indicated believing it to be an old Moly Coat Corporation product.
I've found this currently-available product, btw, which is said to be 65% Moly (Molybdenum disulfide):
The sample as received was essentially solid, i.e. a paste so free from vehicle that it flaked upon handling. I "thinned" it with Amsoil Severe Gear to give it the fluidity needed to not "run dry" immediately under my "balls only" (dry plate) lube application protocol. I actually tested two different "dilution" rates; enough Severe Gear to convert the solid paste to a barely-fluid paste, and then (after having added Severe Gear to a fairly "solid" sample of Anti-Sieze to obtain reasonable fluidity), additional Severe Gear to obtain a similar level of fluidity (such that at the end of the test the lube hadn't yet "dried out" from the contact area). The Severe Gear detracted from the lubricity in both cases, as a molecular physicist might deem an obvious result of diluting a lower coefficient of friction medium with a higher one. At any rate, the tests prove Moly to be superior to Anti-Sieze for EP lubricity under these (arbitrarily) severe test conditions.

By way of filling in the blanks, for those who use automotive lubes for gun lube, and for personal curiosity, I wanted to test the aforementioned Valvoline Full Synthetic which I had abandoned in my small town for lack of Quick Lube availability after seeing online information that the newest-to-market full synthetic (Pennzoil Platinum Plus) had actually eclipsed the latter.  I bought a quart at O?Reilly Auto Parts for $9.99, a substantial savings vs. the others. Surprisingly, it not only blew away Mobil 1 but also Platinum Plus under extreme pressure.  I?m switching trusty auto back to Valvoline Full Synthetic next oil change, whatever it takes.

I was curious about the racing lube that had served so well historically, namely Castor Oil ("bean oil"), an extract from the beans of the miraculous overnight plant by which the prophet Jonah was taught, also known as Palma Cristi or "Palm of Christ:" I still had a squirt bottle of Castrol R that I'd used back in the '70's for motorcycle race engine assembly lube still on hand, albeit having turned from clear to chocolate brown over the years. I?d found recent utility as a sway bar bushing lube (after having created glass-hard wear-proof ?polished? journal sections via Por-15), in light of its ?race gun secret? status amongst rubber band-powered model airplane enthusiasts as a near zero weight turbocharger.  I subjected it to the same 3-ball EP test and was surprised to see it fare so well, especially for its age and obvious degradation!

Here are the "same methodology" results:

LUBE                                                   Average Load, lbs.           Coefficient of friction
Moly ?G? w/ Amsoil Severe Gear             2.00                                   0.10
Valvoline Full Synthetic 5W-30                3.18                                   0.16
Castrol R (WELL aged)                           2.93                                   0.15
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 04:39:18 PM by PappaWheelie »
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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2018, 04:44:04 PM »
I went by Lowes to day to pick up a couple things.  As I was walking out I saw small bottle of oil for the air powered tools.  I grabbed one for my new air nailer (putting up baseboard/quarter round, etc. in an upstairs bedroom/hallway).

Anyway I got to wondering how that stuff wold be for gun oil. 

It has to lube the piston/walls under pressure and stay on the piston/walls for a good while.  You put a couple/three drops in the inlet of the nailer every day and run it all day.  That oil has got to be good at staying where you put it and good at lubing the moving parts or the air guns would wear out prety quickly.  Anyone ever use it on a gun?

It's not cheap, almost $5 for little 3 or 4 oz. bottle.  Just curious.

I'll look for my bottle, M1A4ME, no doubt still in a box since last move...
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Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2018, 02:55:46 PM »
Here's a table summarizing the ranked-by-coefficient extreme pressure friction results thus far:
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CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
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Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2018, 12:04:44 PM »
Curiosity got the best of me in light of Valvoline Full Synthetic 5W-30's excellent EP performance if Amsoil Signature 5W-30
would "hold its own" with real data. The price premium ($12.69 Auto Value vs. Valvoline's $9.99 O'Reilly Auto Parts) would lead one to hope so! Anyway, fwimbw to both gun enthusiasts and auto enthusiasts/conservatives, here's a new table. Excel's ranking ignores the 2-place round-off.
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
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Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2018, 04:59:30 PM »
The Loctite LB 8012 Moly Paste product mentioned in the above August 20 post arrived and I tested it. Wow.
The 1.50 lb load is a slight round up, so the 0.07 coefficient is a round down but hey, who's quibbling when so big an improvement in your SA trigger pull is on the shelf so relatively "cheap" for a lifetime supply you can pass on to your kids.

08/28/2018 UPDATE:
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 02:24:40 PM by PappaWheelie »
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2018, 06:26:07 AM »
Forest Lucas lived 30 miles from me, he is related to my next door neighbor. He started as a truck driver that made up an oil additive and cooked it in his KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He sold this homemade crap at truck stops now is worth millions.

I wouldn't walk away from Lucas products, I would RUN.

Check out Super QCG. 100%

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2018, 01:52:53 PM »
Forest Lucas lived 30 miles from me, he is related to my next door neighbor. He started as a truck driver that made up an oil additive and cooked it in his KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He sold this homemade crap at truck stops now is worth millions.

I wouldn't walk away from Lucas products, I would RUN.

Check out Super QCG. 100%

Looking at data, I'm not sure why you're dissing Lucas products. Explain?
PM me if you'd like to send a sample of Super QCG for comparison testing.
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Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2018, 01:57:07 PM »
I can send you some of the Lubriplate grease, if you like. I have no idea if it's empirically any good (just works).

Send me a PM, huskerlrrp; I'll happily test it.
Mystery package arrived yesterday; turned out to be Lubriplate SFL-0
and Break Free CLP
from huskerlrrp (above images captured from the web).

Both tested as very good;
-and it occurred to me that the Break Free CLP is probably thinned with a vehicle such that it would eventually dry as the "P" in "CLP," and in so doing might actually develop greater EP friction reduction. I'll set up the friction sled with pre-lubed skid bands to run on, and let the Break Free dry for a "dry" retest. Stay tuned, huskerlrrp.
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Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2018, 02:18:51 PM »
Following along!
"In God I trust. All others must supply data."

Offline huskerlrrp

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Re: Coefficient of Friction Comparison Tests, Continued
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2018, 05:08:25 PM »
I can send you some of the Lubriplate grease, if you like. I have no idea if it's empirically any good (just works).

Send me a PM, huskerlrrp; I'll happily test it.
Mystery package arrived yesterday; turned out to be Lubriplate SFL-0
and Break Free CLP
from huskerlrrp (above images captured from the web).

Both tested as very good;
-and it occurred to me that the Break Free CLP is probably thinned with a vehicle such that it would eventually dry as the "P" in "CLP," and in so doing might actually develop greater EP friction reduction. I'll set up the friction sled with pre-lubed skid bands to run on, and let the Break Free dry for a "dry" retest. Stay tuned, huskerlrrp.
Excellent, your results are much faster than my shipping. In my defense there were a few weeks of French and German drinking, I mean work.

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