I?ve always had a plan to add a 97 to the collection, as I love .45 in general for firearms, and have always enjoyed my 1911. I was planning on a P01 or a PCR being my next addition, and couldn?t decide which to go with, so went to a different LGS, that had two 97?s in stock. Right when I held it, I knew it was trouble.

Talked myself into it in a matter of minutes. Got it out to the range today, and it is fantastic! It kicks a bit harder I feel like than my 1911, but man does it just feel like a CZ, and I love that. The grip angle and grips in general are vastly superior to my 1911 in my hands. Overall, very very happy with my purchase.
My first CZ purchase was in the spring. (Scorpion) In the past month, now I?ve added this, a Shadow 2, and my father has acquired a SP01 Tactical. Safe to say, I?m hooked.
We?re going tomorrow and taking out the SP01, the Shadow 2, and also the 1911 and the 97. I?m planning on giving the 1911 over to my father after our range trip.

Time to update the sig again!