Currently on the waitlist about 2-3 weeks out to get my CZ SP-01 safety model cajunized. The following is all the mods I have planned, anything else you'd add? Anything you feel is unnecessary or would not work well? The purpose of this gun is entirely range fun toy, not being used for self defense or CCW. Just want it to look clean as possible and be accurate as possible.
CZ SP-01 Safety
1) Convert DA/SA to SAO.
2) Upgrade to Pro vs Defensive trigger kit w/ flat trigger.
3) Reverse skeleton and single top port slide cuts.
4) RMR optic cut with reduced weight.
5) Delete lanyard loop.
6) Delete rear sight dovetail.
7) Remove front sight and fill with flush metal piece.
8) NP3+ coat barrel, internals, and frame.
9) DLC coat slide, slide release, safety, and hammer.
10) Install 10x bushing.
11) Install hardened firing pin/retaining pin.
Thanks for any and all input!