I have been carrying my CZ P10C everyday since I got it a year ago. I love it, its the perfect size for me, I carry at 3:30 as well, I tried to like appendix, but even with a micro pistol I found sitting or driving unrealistic in that location. I use a L.A.G. Tactical IWB holster, and I love it, honestly its the best holster I have found, and I have a big plastic bin full of holsters I've tried over the years. Conceal-ability, comfort, and access to the pistol are all each important, but also very subjective to the users preferences. I was fortunate to attend a range grand opening, and there was a whole host of dealers there, and I spoke with the LAG rep, and I ended up setting up a custom order via their website, because I do carry a light on any self defense pistol I carry. I would find a LGS that carries a number of holster brands, and talk with a salesperson and try on a variety of styles with your gun, and see what fits you best. I agree that a good gun belt makes a huge difference as well. Good Luck!