I thought add more detail to the story of how i returned to the shooting fold. Here in Australia getting a firearm licence particularly for handgun requires a few hoops to be jumped, so you might gind that interesting .
Last Christmas my wife bought me a come and try session with tethered pistols ($150). Each gun had a sort of metal guide bolted to it, which ran vertically between 2 cables. Pistol were held in place buy these moving up and down freely but would only move about 15 degrees left and right. I got one magazine in a 22, 38 revolver, 9mm, 45, and a 357. Well i caught the bug.
So I found a range where i could have a go with un-tethered pistol ($60) . But first you have to have a 2 hour safety / instructional lecture. Then you get 50 shots with a 22lr Ruger mark 3, with one on one supervison with the RO.
Next step: i have to get 2 personal references and apply with police for permission to join the pistol club. Wait for approval. Next join the club and complete safety course. Then apply again to the police this time for a rifle licence.
While waiting at least 12 week for my rifle licence i can at least shoot club guns, including pistols. I wont even bother going into the restrictions on types of rifles (and pistols) but know that they are very restricted.
Each vist to the range must be documented both at thr club and in my own record book.
Ok after having a rifle licence for 6 months i am allowed to apply for handgun licence. I need a letter from the club confirming my membership anf having completed the required number of shoots (4 i think). Now another 12 week wait.
Ok finally my handgun licence is approved and i am allowed to purchase one hand gun (for thr first 12 months)
But first i need to apply for a Permit To Aquire, with police. More restrictions apply barrel length, caliber etc. Minimum 28 day wait.
Which is where i sm now 1 year later. Day 30, been appoved but waiting for the paperwork to come through. My shadow 2 at the club waiting for me.
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