Line Rider, carried and shot Glocks for over 10 years. Still think they are a great platform. However, I shot a PO1 and a PO7 a little over a year ago. Went to my local dealer and bought a PO7. I put 1000 rounds through it and then Cajunized it. Sold all of my Glocks except a 19 that my brother bought me. I now own a PO7, PO9, and will be purchasing either a Shadow or PO1 compact after Christmas bills are paid. My best friend shoots only Sigs . . . he has shot my Cajunized PO7 and said it is the best pistol he has ever shot. Carry my PO7 in a Vedder LiteTuk and will not look back. CZ's are so under rated, and in my opinion, one of the most over looked weapon platforms there is. Oh, I have shot and owned HK's and Sigs in addition to my Glocks . . . just say I am hooked. I won't buy another gun except for a CZ.