My P09 9MM is the most accurate center fire semi auto pistol I've ever shot.
Recoil is very light with a P09 9MM.
You can install the safeties and carry it cocked and locked - like a 1911. The pistol has two safeties, the thumb safety and the firing pin block safety which requires the trigger be pulled/squeezed to allow the hammer to move the firing in enough to set the chambered round off.
If you want the safety, but still want to carry it with the hammer down you can do that. You can't put it on safe with the hammer down, you just have the longer/heavier DA trigger pull to contend with.
Do you guys really get trouble free Promags? My cousin buys them way too often. Then I get that phone call, "Hey cousin, when are you coming home again?" I let him know what weekend we're planning on going home and he shows up with another new/different pistol with one or more Promags that won't feed properly and we play that same old game of trying to squeeze, bend, file, adjust the follower/spring to get it to feed properly. And I give him the same disclaimer, "Hey, just because it works right now doesn't mean it's going to keep working. Why do you keep buying these things???" He says, "Well cousin, that's all they had."
The longer the magazine, magazine well, the harder it makes it to hide. That's why I don't carry my P09. I carry a P07 but the back up magazines are the P09's with the +2 bases on them. Since my P07 is a .40 that makes me 13 in the pistol and 17 in the spare magazines.