Author Topic: Agonizing over choice of CZ model for EDC... Anyone have any input? SP01 vs P09  (Read 6115 times)

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Offline ShinZm

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Sp01 all day. It is HIGHLY unlikely you?ll ever need 21+1 in the unfortunate event of a gun fight. If you find yourself in such a predicament, you better hope you?re close to a rifle and can use that pistol to fight your way to it because you?re in a seriously bleeped up situation

Anything about the SP-01 that just feels better for you? I'm definitely already onboard with the steel frame.

Nothing in particular. I own one and have shot my buddies P09. Both are fantastic pistols, I?m just partial to my sp01. You can?t go wrong really

I keep hearing that phrase with CZ's, and I've NEVER heard it for any other pistol. Called ahead and verified that my range has both models for rent, and I am VERY hyped about giving them both a run.

Even though I'm pretty set on the P-09 for the decocker setup, I'm still staring at the SP-01 for match shooting/OWB carry later on.

The SP-01 Tactical has a de-cocker. I wear 2XL gloves and much prefer the SP-01 frame over the P-09. To get a decent grip on the 09 I ended up with a Hogue wrap on it. I just couldn't get comfortable with the 09 so I sold it. For reference, I added palm swell grips to my 97 because the OEM grips weren't thick enough. You really need to hold both if at all possible. And promags are complete crap.

Whoa okay I did NOT know about the Tactical until just now. That's a game-changer. Not sure that my range has an SP01 Tactical, but would the standard model be a viable substitute to get a feel for it? If so, this may be a really tough choice depending on how the P-09 fits me.

Wow thanks for letting me know about this. Saw your post as I was typing out the above reply lol.

Offline ShinZm

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Sp01 Tactical has a decocker and is steel frame

Can't believe I missed this reply. I'm definitely gonna be looking into that now!

It honestly feels like all of the CZ's I'm looking at are too nice to choose from... This is a strange problem I'm having.

Online Earl Keese

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Yes, both SP-01's have the same frame ergos. The de-cocker model comes with tritium sights as well. Sometimes the safety model has them but not always.

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Offline ShinZm

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Yes, both SP-01's have the same frame ergos. The de-cocker model comes with tritium sights as well. Sometimes the safety model has them but not always.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

I noticed those Tritiums and that is definitely not a bad deal. Good to know that the frames are basically the same, so I can absolutely give it the full trial in a couple of weeks right along with the P-09. Something tells me that I'm going to end up with both at some point...

I'm as new as one could be to the CZ world, but I'm already almost overwhelmed with quality choices. I think I made the right call!   ;D

Offline ShinZm

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Go with the sp01, if you want more capacity just upgrade for mags with different base pads and followers depending on how much more you want. At 140mm length the p09 and the 75 series mags both hold 23rd and at 170mm your looking at 27 to 28rds.

Could you elaborate on this a bit? Because an SP-01 Tactical with a reliable 20+ capacity magazine would literally tick every box for me.
Are you saying you can achieve this by swapping base pads and spring/followers on the stock SP-01 mags; or is this a third party configuration?

Offline ThompsonCustom

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Yes by swapping the base pads and followers on the stock mags or you could buy them straight from cz custom ready to go I believe, to get you 23rd plus 1 in the chamber. Current Deals:
Faxon 16" Pencil Barrel $148
21% off all magpul products code: "magpul"

Offline Tanners Owner

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I have both, P09 & SP01T. To me it?s a toss up. Both have great ergos and accuracy.  The P09 had less pronounced recoil than the SP01T, at least for me.

I used the P09 during an IDPA season a few years ago and have more time with it, so my performance is better with it than my SP01T. I had ZERO failures with either gun, which I can?t say for all my guns.

Recommend you get your mitts on both & get a test drive on them. Guns ergos are different for each of us as we all have different hand shapes, carry needs. Think either can serve you just fine.

If you are local (Puget  Sound area, WA) I?ll let you try mine.
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Offline M1A4ME

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My P09 9MM is the most accurate center fire semi auto pistol I've ever shot.

Recoil is very light with a P09 9MM.

You can install the safeties and carry it cocked and locked - like a 1911.  The pistol has two safeties, the thumb safety and the firing pin block safety which requires the trigger be pulled/squeezed to allow the hammer to move the firing in enough to set the chambered round off.

If you want the safety, but still want to carry it with the hammer down you can do that.  You can't put it on safe with the hammer down, you just have the longer/heavier DA trigger pull to contend with.

Do you guys really get trouble free Promags?  My cousin buys them way too often.  Then I get that phone call, "Hey cousin, when are you coming home again?"  I let him know what weekend we're planning on going home and he shows up with another new/different pistol with one or more Promags that won't feed properly and we play that same old game of trying to squeeze, bend, file, adjust the follower/spring to get it to feed properly.  And I give him the same disclaimer, "Hey, just because it works right now doesn't mean it's going to keep working.  Why do you keep buying these things???"  He says, "Well cousin, that's all they had."

The longer the magazine, magazine well, the harder it makes it to hide.  That's why I don't carry my P09.  I carry a P07 but the back up magazines are the P09's with the +2 bases on them.  Since my P07 is a .40 that makes me 13 in the pistol and 17 in the spare magazines.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Online Earl Keese

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"The P09 had less pronounced recoil than the SP01T, at least for me."
 It's funny, for me it's the opposite. I've never found the P-09 to be especially soft shooting like other people do. I think it's because the grip is too thin for me. 97B with OEM grips was the same, everybody raves about how soft it shoots. Not for me until I put thicker grips on it.

Offline ShinZm

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Yes by swapping the base pads and followers on the stock mags or you could buy them straight from cz custom ready to go I believe, to get you 23rd plus 1 in the chamber.

Oh wow, thanks for informing me of that site. I see a 26-rounder premade, but it looks like I'll have to do a bit of benchwork to get something like 21 or 23 if I ever wanted it. Looks like the 75B mags are all compatible with the SP-01? That's a huge plus if true, especially if the Mec-Gars are as good as I've heard, because those aren't expensive at all.

I have both, P09 & SP01T. To me it?s a toss up. Both have great ergos and accuracy.  The P09 had less pronounced recoil than the SP01T, at least for me.

I used the P09 during an IDPA season a few years ago and have more time with it, so my performance is better with it than my SP01T. I had ZERO failures with either gun, which I can?t say for all my guns.

Recommend you get your mitts on both & get a test drive on them. Guns ergos are different for each of us as we all have different hand shapes, carry needs. Think either can serve you just fine.

If you are local (Puget  Sound area, WA) I?ll let you try mine.

Ah, I'm in Texas, but I appreciate the offer!  :)

With all of the info I've gotten here, I've completely turned around and am now fairly sure I'll go with the SP-01T (if it feels equal to or better than the P-09 for me), but I'm probably going to eventually end up with both, like yourself. lol

The grip angles on both look pretty close to my FNX, which I love, because that one holds a bit like a 1911. Hopefully they have that kind of feel.

There's a really interesting thing about that recoil difference you brought up. Polymer is fairly malleable, so if the slide is front-heavy enough as to reduce muzzle flip, the recoil is gonna feel softer compared to steel when it pushes back into your hand. I notice this waaaaaaay more with any .45, probably because it tends to hammer straight back without much snap in any gun. I remember looking this up after noticing the same exact thing with a 1911 after getting used to my FN. It's really weird lol

Offline ThompsonCustom

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Yes the standard 75 cz mags and mec gars will fit perfect.  It only take about 30 secs to convert a 16rd or 18rd mag to a 23rd mag.

Here are a couple of 140mm solutions from CZC.

CZ 16 rnd magazine #11101 with long base pad #10213

CZ 18 rnd ( SP01) magazine #11152 with short pad #10187

CZ P09 19rnd magazine #11620 with extended pad #1001097


with spring and follower kit #10522


mags will????? hold 23 round?s??? Current Deals:
Faxon 16" Pencil Barrel $148
21% off all magpul products code: "magpul"

Offline ShinZm

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Yes the standard 75 cz mags and mec gars will fit perfect.  It only take about 30 secs to convert a 16rd or 18rd mag to a 23rd mag.

Here are a couple of 140mm solutions from CZC.

CZ 16 rnd magazine #11101 with long base pad #10213

CZ 18 rnd ( SP01) magazine #11152 with short pad #10187

CZ P09 19rnd magazine #11620 with extended pad #1001097


with spring and follower kit #10522


mags will????? hold 23 round?s???

Man, you went above and beyond! Thanks! I was literally about to look up a guide on what parts to use, too. XD
23+1 is crazy for that what little extension those have beyond the mag well! Test fire happens in a couple of weeks, but I'm so hyped to buy one; I can't save up fast enough!
Coming from FN, I had absolutely no idea that any SA/DA pistols existed that could rival Glock with the amount of mods. lol

Hope the FNX gets somewhere close to that point some day.

Offline ben512

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Phantom easy to carry and still a lazer accurate never fail cz
Cz 512
Nikon 3-9×40 mm ProStaff BDC

Offline Tanners Owner

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"The P09 had less pronounced recoil than the SP01T, at least for me."
 It's funny, for me it's the opposite. I've never found the P-09 to be especially soft shooting like other people do. I think it's because the grip is too thin for me. 97B with OEM grips was the same, everybody raves about how soft it shoots. Not for me until I put thicker grips on it.

My take is it?s all about how the gun fits your particular hands. I had a buddy video me shooting the P09 on a stage and was amazed at how the muzzle stayed on target when the slide cycled.

That said, neither gun recoils much, just the P09 perceived recoil is less- for me in my hands.
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Offline Tanners Owner

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With all of the info I've gotten here, I've completely turned around and am now fairly sure I'll go with the SP-01T (if it feels equal to or better than the P-09 for me), but I'm probably going to eventually end up with both, like yourself. lol

The grip angles on both look pretty close to my FNX, which I love, because that one holds a bit like a 1911. Hopefully they have that kind of feel.

There's a really interesting thing about that recoil difference you brought up. Polymer is fairly malleable, so if the slide is front-heavy enough as to reduce muzzle flip, the recoil is gonna feel softer compared to steel when it pushes back into your hand. I notice this waaaaaaay more with any .45, probably because it tends to hammer straight back without much snap in any gun. I remember looking this up after noticing the same exact thing with a 1911 after getting used to my FN. It's really weird lol

As I said before, it?s a toss up. Both are fine guns and can serve you well. While I have more trigger time w/ my P09, I am glad I have the SP01T. I?ll be shooting it in a future IDPA season for sure.

One thing the SP01T enables is increasing or decreasing palm swell by swapping grips- P09s don?t. P09 only has the changeable back strap- which is helpful, but doesn?t help with palm swell.

Let us know what you get and your range session results. Good luck!
Like a midget at a urinal, I'll have to keep on my toes