Hiya, yes I filed the paperwork. The police left a standard police report sheet to fill in make,model,year,when purchased,serial numbers,color etc. I mailed it to the phoenix address that was preprinted on it. To date their property room clerk reports only investigative materials are in evidence their no property. The CSI team kicked me out of my place while half a dozen folks investigated for bout 7 hours. Only found out that several weapons were found in a neighbor city of Scottsdale from a detective during one of several surprise visits months later. Only reached out to Scottsdale a month after the county sheriffs dept. notified me one of them went to prison. So appears that the system in place allows different police debts to know where your stolen property is, and its not set up to formally inform the owner of the property where its located once they take it. Will keep trying tho.
The farmers insurance needed separate claims for property,and one for the car stolen. They sent out an investigator to take pis and record an interview. And let me know my policy could only pay 1000 for all the firearms stolen, and same max for cash and my coin collection. So lesson learned, guess with every gun purchase,if you want coverage,need to provide them with sales receipt and they provide you with the new premium. With them paying out a third on my cars value, guess you can figure to receive pawnshop prices on any guns you are paying individual premiums on.
To nutshell what its been like dealing with the police in regard to obtaining my personal property. Its like finding your grandmother stealing your stereo,You're glad to get your stereo back,but sad to find out your grandmothers a thief. And thats all I gotta say bout that.