A few months back I was looking to create a reasonably priced load to shoot 223 at 300 - 400yds with my AR 15. At that time my AR 1/8 barrel shot 62 - 69gr bullets more accurately at distance and I was able to do ok in my 3gun matches using factory ammo. Well, I since borrowed and shot a TC Compass 223 from an acquaintance at my club and loved it. It shot sub MOA at 100 and close to 1MOA at 300 consistently. He said he used Bob's Bulk 223 bullets (55gr FMJ) and if you order 1000 they only come out to 8.3 cents a bullet (shipping $6). Well I just acquired a TC Compass for myself and want to shoot it instead of my AR in upcoming 3 gun match season.
First, I want to make sure my upcoming reloading process for this 223 bolt rifle is appropriate for getting consistent rounds on approx 6-8 in. targets at 300yds (the longest/hardest shot in my 3 gun matches). I am not looking to benchrest shoot, but will chase accuracy as far as practicality/reasonable cost allows.
Has anyone shot the Bobs 223 55gr FMJ bullets? I am only looking at these because they seem to shoot well for others and do not break the bank.
Since I have never reloaded rifle rounds, I am listing my initial thought process for upcoming reloading sessions for scrutiny and suggestions:
I have a progressive Dillon 550C press with the 4 Dillon 223 rifle dies.
My idea is to take uncleaned previously fire formed brass from my rifle (sort crimped vs non crimp by head stamp) then:
1. Mass lube, resize and decap primers (I plan on resizing shoulder to .005 less than my fire formed out of rifle using Hornady comparator)
2. Wet tumble to clean lube off and get primer pockets cleaner as a bonus
3. Swage primer pocket (if necessary) and trim if necessary, debur case mouth
4. Accomplish remaining steps: priming only in station one, drop powder in station 2, seat bullet in station 3 and finally crimp in station 4 if necessary.
I am wet tumbling AFTER step one to get rid of lube and clean out primer pockets. I have a wet tumbling process with SS pins that works out great and I don't want to change that.
I still need to buy a trimmer and swager before I can move forward. Looking at Dillon swager (kinda pricey) and a simple manual trimmer like ones from Lyman or Hornady.
Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions. I realize this is not a CZ specific thread but you guys are awesome about sharing knowledge and I am excited to begin the rifle reload process. The reloading of 9mm for my CZ pistols has been fun and help out tremendously in my pistol matches, not to mention way less expensive.