I gave in and went to Bud's in Lexington, yesterday, to pick up an all black P10F.
Went to the range the same day and shot the gun. Mind you, I was just so used to my Steyr L9 that the F had some shoes filling to do.
Well, I liked the grip, even so it's too long. Once you grip it, it won't let you go. Maybe a bit much, but I liked it.
The trigger was a bit gritty, but was light and sharp. But my shooting was not that good yesterday. I gave up shooting it after just 75 rounds and went home.
This morning, I did quite a bit of dry firing and felt I had a better understanding of the trigger, so I went back to the range.
To my surprise, everything fell into place. I was smiling like a 5 years old at Xmas time. The P10F shot better than any other polymer frame I have shot. AS GOOD AS MY SP-01, and that's saying a lot. No other gun has been that good (to me).
I have shot some fair guns, Some good ones and some very good ones, but one that is exceptionally good, and that I can "connect with", like my CZ 75, this is very rare, for me this gun, the P10F, is just perfect. I think my search for THE polymer handgun is over.