Author Topic: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?  (Read 17323 times)

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Offline double-d

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2019, 06:40:38 AM »
Can't offer a suggestion... we purchased a wheel gun for the Misses (Ruger SP101 in .38spl).
Was her call and what she was most comfortable with.  No safety to mess with, no tap/rack drills.  Simply point and shoot.

Offline czsuby

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2019, 07:55:37 AM »
I would recommend the Shield EZ or a Colt Mustang with the polymer frame which is softer shooting than the Sig P238.  Give her a variety of choices and let her decide.

Offline Marty8613

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2019, 10:41:33 AM »
I?ll also mention Colt Mustang, Sig P238 and add Kimber Micro.  All the same single action design with varying amounts of selections in ?pretty?.    These are ideal purse carry guns in that SA can be safe hammer down.  Training should include pulling the hammer back.  Much reduced AD possibilities carrying this way.   For carrying on the body, they are all great pocket guns, ankle guns or IWB/OWB.    What they aren?t is draw and fire.   You either have to train to take off safe carrying hammer back, or train to pull the hammer 1st.  These guns are all very accurate for their size and mid-range as to difficulty to rack. 

I carry the Micro Raptor at work in a sticky holster condition 1.   

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Offline Tenbones

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2019, 11:15:43 AM »
I wish you luck in your quest for a CCW for your daughter, but what happens if she doesn't like the any of the guns mentioned in the abve posts?  It's not an easy process, but the more guns she gets to handle, the better. 

From your description she sounds like a tiny person, which is going to limit the type of gun she can comfortably carry, and is she going to want to CCW all the time?  You need to remember that she is a young person, with a young person's life style, and they are not necessarily conducive to CCW.

Best of luck in your search.

Offline motorcyclist

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2019, 01:39:11 PM »
My daughter turns 21 this Saturday and has her CWP class the following weekend. She's been shooting since she could hold a gun, so the actual shooting side is not a problem. We've been shooting lots of pistols lately so she can get a feel for what she wants to carry. One problem is she hasn't decided on how she'll carry. I went through the same thing with her mother. Notice they're both female. Just give advise (your male, so your wrong) and let them discover for themselves.
By the way, my wife carries a Ruger LCR (great revolver!) in one of many made for conceal carry purses.... many!

Offline recoilguy

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2019, 05:16:44 PM »
Are you saying your daughter is 100# because that infers she will not handle much recoil or are you saying it because it infers there will be very little place on her body for her to hide it? Will she be carrying it on her body or in a purse or how will it conceal?

It makes a difference in how I would answer the question.

I personally like the Shield EZ That is a great .380 handgun. EZ to manipulate and a pretty true shooter.
My 140# 82 year old neighbor dude who just got one and he was this close to giving up shooting and carrying because he could rack the slide any more and revolvers hurt his hands when he shot them.

Now he is a happy old dude, God bless his soul!!!

He tried a few guns and this one made him smile so now he has one.

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Offline radagast

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2019, 05:27:21 PM »
   Raised 2 daughters , both were comfortable around guns. One moved to PA and maintains a gun-free household, the other moved to NC and won't leave home without one. When the NC daughter asked for advice on what to carry, I asked what color ink should I write the check with ?
   Although she is not petite, and is fond of shooting 40 S&W, she chose a Thunder 380 for CC. (an easy check for Dad to write).
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Offline steerclr

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2019, 06:04:51 PM »
Shield EZ is a good recommendation and a fine .380.  Friend got one for his wife. Easy to rack and use. I have a Sig P238 but its like carrying a small 1911 and has the same manual of arms. 

Let me say I have shot a lot of small 380's and the lightweight ones are (to me) uncomfortable to shoot and practice with.  I'm talking about the polymer types such as the Ruger LCP 380, The Keltec 380, etc. They work well for their intended use and are easier to carry, but there is a trade off in accuracy and comfort.

For what's it worth, if she wants to "carry" all the time, then I don't know if you are familiar with a KelTec P32 (32acp).  That thing is small, easy to shoot, easy to control, comfortable to carry every day and all the time, safe, although just a bit lower on power.  Add a laser to it and it makes a heck of a carry pistol.  Women I work with tend to like them.  Did not mean to change the subject or intend to hijack the post.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 06:19:58 PM by steerclr »

Offline Tenbones

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2019, 06:56:17 PM »
I second what steerclr said about the KelTec 32 cal.  Even though people tend to look down their noses at the 32 caliber these days, it is still an adequate self defense cartridge and certainly one worth considering if the .380 is too uncomfortable to shoot.

There are only a couple 32 caliber pistols worth considering, the aforementioned KelTec, and the Beretta Tomcat.  The Tomcat is thicker than the KelTec and may not be as easy to conceal but it has the Beretta quality and the pop-up barrel which makes for easy unloading.

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2019, 07:20:38 PM »
After much shopping and shooting my wife(also petite w/little hands), chose a G43 for carry. Her choice for HD is a P07. That said, the EZ 380 is a nice handling little pistol. I'd look awful hard at one of those w/o thumb safety. Very easy to rack the slide- something my wife still has to work at when she shoots.

Ron M.

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2019, 07:34:01 PM »
My daughter turns 21 this Saturday and has her CWP class the following weekend. She's been shooting since she could hold a gun, so the actual shooting side is not a problem. We've been shooting lots of pistols lately so she can get a feel for what she wants to carry. One problem is she hasn't decided on how she'll carry. I went through the same thing with her mother. Notice they're both female. Just give advise (your male, so your wrong) and let them discover for themselves.
By the way, my wife carries a Ruger LCR (great revolver!) in one of many made for conceal carry purses.... many!

My wife carries her LCR in a Gun Toten Mama's carry purse at least 70% of the time. She has 3 different models.


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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2019, 08:07:21 PM »
After much shopping and shooting my wife(also petite w/little hands), chose a G43 for carry. Her choice for HD is a P07. That said, the EZ 380 is a nice handling little pistol. I'd look awful hard at one of those w/o thumb safety. Very easy to rack the slide- something my wife still has to work at when she shoots.
A G43 and a P07 - I'd say that's a great combo and probably all anyone would ever need.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2019, 08:11:52 PM »
Magazines.  How easy to get?  How much do they cost?  How many rounds do they hold?

Repair parts and factory support for any issues you may not be able to fix yourself.

Holster type/availability?

Reliability is #1.  How well she can shoot it is #2.  How pretty it is shouldn't even be on the list of considerations.

The Shield .380 EZ has a couple models.  One with ambidextrous thumb safeties and one without those.  Either model still has the safety in the way the bottom of the trigger hinges (like the other M&P models) and the EZ also has a grip safety.

My 80 year old mother has no trouble loading, unloading, racking the slide or shooting it.

It's not the most accurate pistol I've shot but it can keep those little hollow points in the black at 8 or 10 yds.

The EZ looks like a striker fired pistol but it isn't.  It's a concealed hammer pistol. 

I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Sulpgnir

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2019, 10:21:26 PM »
1.  Go to your LGS that has the largest selection of .380s and let her handle as many as she'd like.  Hopefully, she will have a few "favorites" after the visit.

2.  Call your local range and see if they have her "favorites" for rent.

3.  Go shopping :D

In addition to the CZ83 that has been recommended earlier, I want to throw the SIG P230/232 in the mix.  Both are reliable and accurate.  Since both are all-steel, they can do serious damages in skilled hands, with or without ammos.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2019, 11:47:43 AM by Sulpgnir »

Offline mrcabinet

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Re: what 380 pistol to get for my 100lb daughter?
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2019, 10:35:24 PM »
As others have stated, the most important thing is to get the the one that fits her well and she is most comfortable with. My petite wife originally decided on a .38 revolver to carry, then decided she didn't like the weight of it or the recoil.

After trying out many, many varieties of pistols over several months, she settled on the Walther PK380. It's light, dependable, accurate, mild recoil and one of the easiest slides to rack, by far. Heck, I even enjoy shooting it!

Three of her friends now have one,
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