need some assistance, i have a new shadow 2, shot it for approx 800 rounds, no problems, i took it apart to clean up and polish some parts, i took .008 off the hooks, gun shoots a little erratic, i may shoot 10-15 rounds and then i get a hammer hang up, hammer falls forward about 1/4" or so, when i took the hooks down i kept the same angle of the flat on top of the hooks, so now that i removed .008 the flat is a bit longer, i did not do anything else, i am thinking i have to get back in there and shorten the flat, is it possible the sear is hanging up there, this only happens when i pull the trigger real slow aiming on paper targets, shooting fast is no problem.
ps the sear is not catching anything, i thought it was, it is something else, if i pull real slow, not all the time but the hammer drops 1/4" the most, something else is causing the hangup, any ideas, i did oil the internals sort of excessive. i dont always oil this excessive, i figured since it looked kind of dry, was going to clean it when i got home from the range
update, notice when i pull the slide back ant pull the trigger it seems crisp on the drop, if i hold the trigger after i pull the trigger cock it, and let the trigger out till i hear the reset and pull the trigger the hammer does not drop as crisp.
i installed the new disco and fit it, now the issue is every try at the bench, i pull the trigger and the trigger drop about 1/16"every time and it is in double action mode,i can continue to pull the trigger just like a regular double action.
any ideas before i give up and make it a sa gun
I would like to thank whitedingo for his thoughts, he hit the nail right on the head, after attempting the new short reach disco, still was having the issue when cocked and pulling trigger it would drop into double action mode, he explained what is happening, i ground .009 off the face of the disco wing flat and it works perfect.
all is fine now, just have to get to the range and test it.