I've had a bunch of CZs (and CZ-pattern guns), a bunch of SIGs, a bunch of CZs over the years -- along with number of other guns, including several S&W M&P Pros.
The only ones I now avoid are the hammer-fired SIGs -- but I would like to have another SIG P210-6 someday.
I like my SIG P320 a lot, maybe a bit more than I like my CZ P10c. (Even after an HB Industries trigger system upgrade, my P10c still gives me a little trigger string. It is accurate, however.)
I prefer the ergonomics of the CZs to that of the Glocks, but while I hear a lot of complaints about the Glock grip angle, I never had a problem with a Glock IF I used the sights. If my attacker is close enough that I'll need to POINT SHOOT, I doubt that the grip angle will matter that much.
Then, too, the best qualifying score I ever got in an IDPA qualifier match was done using a Glock 34.
The strength of the Glock design is its simplicity and the wide variety of after-market parts available at generally reasonable prices. The new CZ P-10 line is almost as simple, and aftermarket parts are starting to find their way into the shooting world at reasonable prices.
There will be more striker-fired CZs coming down the pike. I hope, eventually to get a P-09, too -- which seems to be one of the best of the hammer-fired CZs (if you want to avoid spending outrageous amounts of money!) available.