Lately, I've realized that having more than a handful of pistols is a complete waste of money, time and effort. I know, heresy for a gun forum full of enablers
. To challenge my new resolve, a local gun shop texted me a 30% store-wide discount. DFW Shooting Sports in Bedford, TX is moving at the end of the week and are looking to reduce inventory. (For those of you with freer budgets than mine.) Thankfully, my schedule has been too tight to make it there, but I'm struggling every day. Ha There should be a 12 step program, I'm white-knuckling it.
What I have found that helps is to focus on some of the pistols in my inventory that I truly appreciate. So, this week I'm carrying my CZ 75 Omega convertible. It is one of the finest pistols in the world to me and other than the occasional need for a pocket pistol, I really do not need anything else. Yes, I "want" a P-07 and an HK P30, but the truth is, I just flat out don't need either and to spend family money on one of my wants is well, stupid. (FOR ME, at this time.)
So to further my efforts to stay out of the gun store this week, a haiku:
Steel frame rubber grips
Designed to keep you alive
CZ seventy-five
If you had to live with one full size, one compact (my 75 steel frame compact as my 75 alloy frame is not so reliable) and one pocket gun (for me a Kahr PM9) what would it be? (I've settled on pistols with DA trigger pulls for carry).