I picked up a Cajunized P-01 from a buddy at the range about 12 months back and it ruined my life. Not really.
Since then my safe has been in constant turmoil. Out with the XD's that I swore more than once and on more than one stack of Bibles that I would never sell; In with DA/SA decocking CZ75's. I have a fully cajun-tuned P-01 of my own now and use it for EDC. I am very happy with it. As for Phantoms, I read everything I could to decide between the SP-01 Tac and the Phantom and in the end weight won the day. Since the plan for it included the new dual output XH35 weapon light and a Delta Point, weight was a legit factor.
My Phantom is on the bench now in Louisiana and I cannot wait to get it back. I put about 600 rounds through it while I waited for my ship window to CGW. The Phantom just points well for me. Same as the P-01 did that started this insane past year. I swore by my handguns prior. They rode with me to many shoots, matches, every day BS, etc. I tuned all the triggers, upgraded all the sights, added lights and lasers and optics and holsters, etc. The full-on sickness. I was all set. As much as I was in love with my former SA arsenal and as "done" as I was insofar as being a potential handgun or handgun accessory targeted customer for some considerable time, I can happily report a full transformation without a single second thought.
Glock was never really a player for me so I cannot speak to the 17 that a lot of people try to compare the Phantom to. I have a G43 because it is an ultra concealable 9 that isn't too snappy. I was impatient waiting for the XDS mod 2 so I bought the popular Glock. Currently the little Glock has a lot done to it incl. a slide melt fitted JPoint and a decent trigger job, but I still cannot bring myself to work with it enough to feel really comfortable. By comparison the XDS mod 2 (when it finally released) shot like a dream literally out of the box it was shipped to me in. Such is my experience with Glock. From here forward, if I have a firearm need I am looking to the CZ offerings first and their lines have earned first right of refusal for my business.