165gr Testing ContinuedSecond try today with the re-made N340 and some new ones... Silhouette & No9.
EquipmentCaliber: 10mmAuto
Bullets: RMR 165gr plated RNFP
Brass: StarLine (new)
Primer: Winchester Large Pistol WLP
OAL: 1.250"
Pistol: Dan Wesson 10mm Pointman (5" 1911)
Qty: 8 rounds each, slow fired
Weather: 40F and highly overcast
Chrono: ProChrono DLX
Powder: VV N340 (6.5-7.3gr from Lyman #49)
Max Velocity: 1172 fpsLoad Avg Vel SD6.6gr 1063 17
6.9 1110 8
7.2 1164 8
Notes• Meters very nicely
• Look at that SD will you ? We've seen that before with this brand.
• Look at the incremental steps too
EquipmentCaliber: 10mmAuto
Bullets: RMR 165gr plated RNFP
Brass: StarLine (new)
Primer: Winchester Large Pistol WLP
OAL: 1.250"
Pistol: Dan Wesson 10mm Pointman (5" 1911)
Qty: 8 rounds each, slow fired
Weather: 40F and highly overcast
Chrono: ProChrono DLX
Powder: Ramshot Silohuette (7.9-9.1gr from Ramshot website)
Max Velocity: 1285 fpsLoad Avg Vel SD7.9gr 1124 28
8.3 1187 16
8.7 1236 19
Notes• Meters really well
• Very accurate shooting
EquipmentCaliber: 10mmAuto
Bullets: RMR 165gr plated RNFP
Brass: StarLine (new)
Primer: Winchester Large Pistol WLP
OAL: 1.250"
Pistol: Dan Wesson 10mm Pointman (5" 1911)
Qty: 8 rounds each, slow fired
Weather: 40F and highly overcast
Chrono: ProChrono DLX
Powder: Accurate No.9 (13.5-15.0gr from Lyman #49)
Max Velocity: 1318 fpsLoad Avg Vel SD13.5gr 1207 24
14.0 1236 26
14.5 1269 18
15.0 1309 35
Notes• Meters really well
• Took a huge volume of powder, as is typical of ball powders
• Very accurate shooting
I think these loads dimpled my steels !

Shot up the ammo that spilled last time....
EquipmentCaliber: 10mmAuto
RMR 165gr plated RNFP
Brass: StarLine (new)
Primer: Winchester Large Pistol WLP
OAL: 1.250"
Pistol: Dan Wesson 10mm Pointman (5" 1911)
Qty: 8 rounds each, slow fired
Weather: 50F and highly overcast
Chrono: ProChrono DLX
Powder: AA No.7 (10.3-11.5gr from Lyman #49)
Max Velocity: 1174 fpsLoad Avg Vel SD10.4gr 1092 14
10.8 1138 18
11.2 1193 16Notes• Super-fine granules that meters very nicely
• Best case filling. Higher loads were compressed.
• A perennial favorite with 10mm fans
• Very accurate
• Cleanest shooting, cases looked "new"
• Was expecting better SD numbers based on metering, but these are still better than most