Bought a new Rami. Worked well for 200 rounds or so then started messing up. Failure to feed, failure to eject ect. I sent it in for repair and got it returned with the same repairs as others on here got, extended throat, adjusted breach face lead in ,ect ect. Went to the range and TRIED to fire 100 but had a dozen of the same problems but mostly failure to eject. So I guess its going back again. At this point I need either a refund or new gun. I've researched this and seen all the possible remedies including ridiculous ideas that "oh you have to change the recoil spring every 400 rounds"Are you kidding me? What kind of modern gun requires that? I have a 1911 Colt I got in the 80s that has 10k rounds with the original spring. Same with a Sig 239. And if that was true why wouldn't CZ have thrown one in when they repaired it?''you have to put Wolff magazine springs in'' ''Try this, do that" I don't get it. And yes it happens with different ammo mfgs.and 3 different magazines. I will let you know what happens.