Thanks jurek.
My family enjoys using the Laser light cartridge together with the LaserLyte Trainer Target Steel Tyme with Plinking Steel Sound on our Glock 17 and 19. Reracking after each shot makes the rather enjoyable family activity tedious especially for my wife. I'm thinking that a DA/SA pistol like the hammer striked CZ's (or the Taurus G2C/G2S/TH9 with double strike capability) will be perfect but I don't want to "hurt" my CZ's (and prefer not to buy another gun like those Tauruses)
Do not even think you hurt your CZ...
DA handgun is a perfect tool to be used with laser cartridge. I dropped SIRT pistol in favor of DA pistol. You can use it thousands times without hurting your pistol. Keep in mind, after 2 months the laser will end up with a hole in the back and you will need new one
(I'm already with my 3rd one).
After reading few threads about using o-ring, I've decided to start practicing with it. I'm using Danco #83, which perfectly sits on the back of slide. You can rack the slide and use the laser cartridge the same time (o-ring doesn't obstruct laser impact).
You won't find better tool for dry firing than your pistol with laser cardridge.