Well, the outdoor range opened back up this morning, so I went. The plan was to shoot the P-09 and P-10C at 25 yards, but I was limited to 22 yards standing single hand due to other folks sharing the same bay (they kept their distance, however). I had not shot anything in over 6 weeks, and my last outing was with the P-10F and only 100 rounds or so then. So, I was a little rusty, to say the least. Windy, 45F temp, sunny, beautiful day.
I only shot bucket Remington UMC 115 FMJ rounds. No Atlanta Arms 115 JHP until I get back up to speed and shoot some consistently good groups with the less expensive ammo. Besides, I want to borescope the bores after shooting JUST the Rem UMC ammo. I'll do the same with the AA 115 JHP later maybe this week, after I get a few more remedial trigger control rounds down range.
So, all the targets below: 22 yards, standing single hand, Rem UMC 115 FMJ, no dry fire, no live fire in 6 weeks, Burris FF3 red dot sights on both pistols. Timed fire pace, roughly 2-4 seconds between shots, no video, nervous happy-to-be-here shooter. No "warmup" rounds.
First the P-10C, which I had not shot in months. The trigger on this one is the best of my P-10 pistols, really good, probably because it has the most rounds through it, by far, of my P-10 series pistols, since I've had it much longer. The target on the left is of the first 20 rounds, shot 5 at a time in less that 20 seconds each. The target on the right is the third target, and I had settled down some by then. The sight is zeroed for the AA 115 ammo at 25 yards, so this pistol always groups low right if I use a center hold with the Rem UMC ammo. I changed to a 9 ring at about 10:30 hold for the second target shown. This was a good result for today, with this ammo and lack of range time.
So, I put a total of 80 rounds through the P-10C, smiling with every shot, even the ones I pulled low due to rusty crummy trigger control. It was just so good to be out shooting the pistol again. Next, I moved the battery from the red dot on the P-10C to the P-09 so that I could shoot it. I don't know about you, but making the transition from a striker fired trigger to a good ol' hammer gun takes a few rounds, normally. But I have many thousands of rounds through this P-09 and it took about 20 rounds to get my P-09 trigger finger maybe half way back. First 20 rounds on the left, second 20 on the right. A couple of years of intensive bullseye practice helped. I can usually shoot this pistol pretty well every time I take it out, after 20 rounds or so. Same today.
I put a 100 rounds total through the P-09 before packing up. So 180 rounds total for the morning. No .22 Kadet. No steel guns. All polymer, but with "trigger finger and grip training ammo" instead of the good stuff. Good stuff can wait until I make some progress on remedial trigger control training.
The guns are good to go, after I replace all the old sight batteries. I will record some bore videos later today. I have already taken a look and can tell you there is some copper and carbon buildup already in the barrels, even after just 80-100 rounds. I'll make a video before I actually clean the barrels, if I decide to clean them at all right now. I'm thinking just keep shooting them this week.