Author Topic: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...  (Read 3748 times)

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Offline Flip18

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Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« on: April 22, 2020, 05:39:33 PM »
Currently EDC a 75 Compact that has been converted to SAO. Love this pistol, would like something lighter. Have shot the P-10C a few times, honestly the only striker 9mm I have liked to shoot that is reasonably priced. Was the older model, on the LGS rental shelf. Also interested in the P-07, unfortunately have not been able to try one of these. Little bro has a 75 Omega that I have shot a bit so I am familiar with the trigger. Not bad at all.
So, long story not so short, anyone have both of these and what do you prefer for an EDC? It will be carried IWB 3:00ish in a TTGunleather Slim XC and Beltman 1.75" belt.

Thanks for any info/opinions.

Offline monty_d_33

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2020, 05:51:38 PM »
I have a P09 and P10C and have had a P07 in the past.  I prefer the 10C by far for a variety of reasons.  The beaver tail of the 09/07 were bothersome when carrying appendix.  Good luck

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2020, 06:11:42 PM »
I had a P-07 for several years and more than 12,000 rnds. Great gun but I never had the desire to carry it and it was primarily the house gun.  I carry my PCR 98% of the time and wouldn't consider giving it up for ANYTHING striker fired so if all I could find was a P10 or P07 I'd take the P-07. I carry owb always so beaver tails and such are of no concern.

Offline Jigo23

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2020, 06:17:00 PM »
As you could expect, you will get a variety of probably polar opposite opinions from each other LOL. I’ve owned both but ditched the P-10 fairly quickly. Probably my least favorite striker fired guns I’ve ever owned or shot and I’ve tried most all of them. CZ should stick to hammer-fired IMHO, love them. Thought I had settled on a Wilson Combat EDC-X9 as my EDC (it replaced my CZ PCR) until I put the CGW Pro Kit in my Gen2 P-07. Have been carrying it ever since the first box of ammo I put through it and can’t imagine anything replacing it in the near future. Sold the Wilson Combat with zero regrets even though of course it was prettier and a lot more “refined” lol. The P-07 just fits my hand very well, easy to carry all day every day, and just feels like I can’t miss with it. As with anything, different strokes for different folks, but the Cajunized P-07 is the one for me. Good luck with your decision!

Offline Boxer 9

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2020, 07:24:34 PM »
It doesn't help you necessarily but I handled a P07 today. It felt really great in hand. Simpler grip angle to the alloy CZs which are really nice.
Personally if I had to pick though I'd go with the P10C or P10S. It feels better to me (XL/XXL hands) and you can grip higher. I don't like the roll pins in the P10 series but Cajun Gunworks makes superior pins so thats a non issue.

Good luck. I don't think you will be sorry either way.

Offline jlafou1

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2020, 08:55:25 PM »
Have both and have carried both. Prefer the P10C for carry. They’re both easy to carry but the P10C and holster is a little narrower than the P07 and a little lighter. I also prefer the grip of the P10C.

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Offline Joe L

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2020, 09:03:23 PM »
I have both and like both.  For me, the P-10C is more comfortable.  But the P-10S is even more so, shoots great, and it has now replaced a Kahr PM-40 as my carry pistol.  The P-10S is just long enough in the frame grip to get all my fingers on the gun.  If it had been an 1/8" shorter I would still be carrying a P-10C or the Kahr PM-40.  In other words, for me, P-10C/P-07 are both a little large, the Kahr PM-40 was too small, and the P-10S is just right.  If you need a larger gun, then my vote would be for the P-10C, however.
CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Online Earl Keese

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2020, 09:28:38 PM »
I have both and have carried them at different times. The ergos are different enough that it really comes down to personal preference. Size is comparable enough to be a wash. Then there's the question of hammer vs striker, i prefer the former.

Offline Togmaster

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2020, 06:55:41 AM »
Get a Sig P365  :o
Let's go Brandon!

Offline DrummerMike

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2020, 07:40:34 AM »
I have both but I carry the P10c. I used to carry the P07 and will carry it owb on occasion. You really cannot beat the factory trigger on the P07 but I do find that I like a striker fired gun for cc. To each his own though, you cannot go wrong with either gun.
CZ P07 Duty
CZ P10c
Sig P365
Walther PPS

Offline Claymore504

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2020, 12:01:22 PM »
I prefer DA/SA to striker, so I would pick the P07 out of those. Plus I just don't care for the P10 series. If I did like the P10 series though I would be looking at the P10S OR for sure. As for carying the P07, I only carry it OWB and for a specific purpose. My usual EDC is an M&P Shield. For striker fired I prefer the M&P and the Shield has served me perfectly for many many years.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2020, 02:52:57 PM »
As long as I can wear an undershirt and untucked button-down shirt for a cover garment, I have no problem carrying my P-07 IWB behind the hip.  For me, it just took finding the right combination of holster and belt.

I can see where the beavertail would be a problem for appendix carry.  It would also be a problem without a full sweat guard, or without an undershirt in combination with not having Talon grips on it.  In a good Kydex holster or especially a hybrid like a Black Arch Protos-M, with a stiff gun belt like a Kore nylon belt, I can carry it all day... walking, sitting, driving, whatever, no problem.  I have multiple IWB carry rigs for it, that all work nicely, both with and without my Olight PL-mini 2 attached.  I have kydex OWB holsters, for with and without the light, but I rarely if ever use them.

When I need to carry something easier or more discrete, I carry a Sig P290.  It's really easy to carry IWB, untucked or tucked, or to pocket carry.  I even picked up a Galco Ankle Glove for another deep carry option.  However, when I can dress for it, I much prefer the firepower of my P-07.

Offline mustangman

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2020, 07:29:07 PM »
I Just recently started carrying my P07 AIWB, and really like it. After a few years of trying to find something smaller to carry, the last being a P365, I've come to the conclusion that I just really like something bigger and a little heavier that fills my hand better.
So off with the cobwebs, in with a few new Cajun springs and a new Night Fision front sight, and I'm now GTG.
CZ P-07 9mm

Offline seebee62

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2020, 09:39:02 AM »
I have both the P07 and P10C. I been carrying the P10 for last few months during the virus lockdown.

Prior to this I was carrying a 365 XL or 365 standard and was shooting these two the most at the range since last summer and fall.

I carried the P07 for a few months at one point because I was shooting it a lot and was dialed in with the DA/SA transition. The only reason I don’t carry it now is because of lack of range time with it. Most of my recent range time before the lockdown was dedicated to AR, Shotgun and the 365’s. It’s easier to transition between the larger striker guns like my P10C and Sig 320.

My only suggestion is to get range time in with the P07 and the DA pull if you use it set up with the decocker.

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Offline briang2ad

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Re: Anyone have a P-07 and P-10C? Looking for an EDC...
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2020, 12:28:52 PM »
The question as stated hinges on two things:

1. What do YOU like?  (vs. what do we like) because YOU are the one that will have to deal with it.

2. DO you want/need a SF or a DA/SA gun?  I went DA/SA because I think it is inherently more 'safe' for me to deal with in any given situation.  It also take a BUNCH of practice to deal with the DA shot then DA/SA.  ANY Omega trigger can also be a problem - long threads on this from me. 

I have had a few Omega triggers that OTB were not good enough for me to want to carry/use.  I have found ways to make them much better, but it was a ton of time and experimentation. 

DA/SA has its rewards.  The trouble is that what YOU want after you use both weapons could change radically with use.  You CANNOT rent a gun, shoot 200 rds through it and know, and you cannot base your decision on what us guys say.  You CAN learn hearing us go on about our experience.