As long as I can wear an undershirt and untucked button-down shirt for a cover garment, I have no problem carrying my P-07 IWB behind the hip. For me, it just took finding the right combination of holster and belt.
I can see where the beavertail would be a problem for appendix carry. It would also be a problem without a full sweat guard, or without an undershirt in combination with not having Talon grips on it. In a good Kydex holster or especially a hybrid like a Black Arch Protos-M, with a stiff gun belt like a Kore nylon belt, I can carry it all day... walking, sitting, driving, whatever, no problem. I have multiple IWB carry rigs for it, that all work nicely, both with and without my Olight PL-mini 2 attached. I have kydex OWB holsters, for with and without the light, but I rarely if ever use them.
When I need to carry something easier or more discrete, I carry a Sig P290. It's really easy to carry IWB, untucked or tucked, or to pocket carry. I even picked up a Galco Ankle Glove for another deep carry option. However, when I can dress for it, I much prefer the firepower of my P-07.