I have 3 Shadow 2s.
The problem is with one pistol (other 2 are working flawlessly), the fired case gets left in the chamber, and the next round trying to feed, jamming the case in. (and mag too)
Pistol is out of warranty. 3+ years old. maybe 50k rds fired.
Things I've tried:
-Factory ammo, S&B, PPU, Geco...
-125-130-135 PF reloads
-Stock pistol, with stock springs
-pistol with CGW and CZUB aftermarket parts
-Dozen of recoil springs in endless combinations
-Dry extractor, wet extractor
-Dirty gun, clean gun
-stronger extractor spring
-stronger extractor spring with one coil cut off
-new non-used extractor
-took extractors+springs from working pistols
-tried new magazines, magazines from working pistols, new magazine springs...
It is always the same, from the first day I bought it, FTE jam happens in around 1/100-1/150-1/200 rounds fired.
Anything left I can do except melt it in scrap iron?