I am looking to get the P10F, so demo'd a P10C at an LGS yesterday. It was the one with the ambidexrous mag release, and was next to impossible to release while holding the gun. The trigger also felt heavy on every 6th or 7th pull, though that could have been due to it being a rental and maybe not maintained that well.
But to the mag release issue, do the newer C's or F's still have that problem?
I prefer the ambi Mag release.
Because I cannot think of a situation when I would be dropping a loaded magazine. When a mag is full it was bleeped near impossible to drop that magazine without seriously altering my grip.
As you reduced the number of rounds in the mag it got easier.
An empty mag is cake. At about 10 rounds it takes a deliberate press. But it works. 12 rounds was the number it seemed based on my recollection.
I have an OR P-10C so it comes with the traditional magazine release and it’s like every other pistol in that releasing mags are easy.
It’s a phenomenal shooting platform: my favorite for polymer pistols. It’s not perfect but nothing is. It could use more stippling all the way up the frame - like all pistols - but it’s snappy relatively speaking compared to the “flippy” VP9 and the oh, so “flexible-feeling” Glock 19X/45 that additional stippling (or better yet, material & stippling ) for the support hand thumb.
I’ve noticed that smaller grips require more muscle contraction to hang on and fatigue will arrive much earlier with the P-10C than say the Glock. But the P-10C feels better in my hand.
Lesson: what “feels good” at the counter is not necessarily best.
Great pistol!
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