Not a striker fan as far as any brand goes and with out starting the worthless safety no safety thing because you'll be proficient with what you train diligently with period I'd say the number of glock returns at this particular store has more to do with the higher number they had in stock and the number of first time buyers they sold to than it does with the gun itself. Plenty of striker fired pistols are configured EXACTLY the same as glock so there's that as well.
I think there may be alot of new gun owners that simply decided they don't want a gun in the first place.
i bought a new, NEVER used Glock G-19, for a song, and a S&W .380 as well, from a husband and wife who bought these guns, all "cuz they had to during the panic buying"
i dumped the S&W, to me a .380 sucks, but i will absolutely, keep the Glock
i like all guns, striker, or hammer. i am not prejudice against one or another, and i OWN both types.
it's people that bought during the panic, that just don't want them anymore, and these guns can be had for cheap. as i bought those 2 guns, for the price of one..!!!!! PLUS the ammo...!!!!!