hassiman: Yes, too picky, however your impression is common with our American perspectives.
I've owned about twenty rifles, maybe twelve-fourteen handguns.
If any gun is very reliable, has a world-class quality design and build , with durable steel etc ----- then I don't care whether they paint the Inside Surfaces Pink

or Ghetto cruiser

Lime Green...... Literally.
As long as the internal areas don't easily corrode.
As for Czech guns, I've
A) owned a CZ-82 (excellent function),
B) 100% reliable P-01 with over 10,000 rds. when I Bought it (the seller admitted it - before I bought it),
C) and now have a CZ PCR plus the Czechpoint (CSA) VZ-58.
Sidenote: In 1976, after Lt. Viktor Belenko defected to Japan (almost on fumes) with his top secret, Mig-25 Foxbat high altitude Mach 2 (+) interceptor, our engineers and CIA analysts were surprised and puzzled.
The inside surfaces of the jet had many exposed rivets - but these are exposed to No airflow. It did not matter.

And lacking enough titanium for many of the external surfaces, titanium iirc was used on the wings' and tail surfaces' Leading Edges where the highest temperatures take place.
In the book "Mig Pilot".
Ugly internal rivets mattered?..... Heck no - the performance of this top secret jet had forced us to develop both the B-1 bomber and whatever else.