I'm a group size snob (as well as other types

I've only (out of 7 or 8 other brands in multiple sizes/calibers) bought one other pistol I happily carry believing it shoots as well (or a little better) than most of my CZs. It's an M&P Shield in 9MM. We've got three of them now.
Small, easy to carry, reliable. Striker fired, yeah I know. But when it shoots like these shoot I'm not ignoring it because it doesn't have a hammer. Thumb safety (all ours) or no thumb safety. OR models more and more available. Lights available (rail or no rail, a TLR6 is made for them as well as other brands with lights only, lasers only or the combo light/laser model).
The bigger M&Ps (I have a few) just won't shoot with the Shields. I don't know why, they just don't (except for maybe the .45 acp models). There's a difference between the tiny Shields and the full sized M&Ps.
Nope, the EZ models don't get it either. Got one of those and it's in the safe for non-performance on paper.
Now I'm going down the rabbit hole with 4" slides for the Shield Plus in 9MM. No harder to carry concealed than the 3.1" version with an extra inch of barrel for more velocity. Has a Holoson and a TLR 6 on it (same TLR6 that fits the standard Shield fits the Plus whether Streamlight has figured it out or not. Several members on the M&P Pistol forum have bought/installed TLR6 lights on their Shield Plus pistols with zero issues.
The Plus? While similar in size to the P07 if you go wild with it (4" slide/barrel and 15 round magazines) it's way thinner on your side than the P07. in the 3.1" version with the 13 round magazines its smaller than the P07.
Try one. You might like it. Check out the options for the Shields and Shield Plus pistols. Factory spares, aftermarket parts, etc.
My 8/9 shot Shield 9MM and iron sights with my 10/13/15 shot Shield Plus 9MM with a Holoson, back up iron sights and the light/laser off the Shield.

The Shield Plus with a 13 round mag. in it, 4" slide/barrel and Holoson with back up sights and the TLR6 on it. A 15 round magazine behind it to show how much more would stick out the bottom of the grip when it's installed instead of the usual 13 round magazine in it. The barrel is an aftermarket barrel slightly longer than 4" as it's ported out there on the end.

The Shield (left) and Shield Plus (right) with my thumb as a reference showing how wide the guns are vs the thumb and each other. The Plus is only a bit wider than the standard Shield. Nope, never bothered to measure either one.

Honestly, you've seen me type a lot about how aggravating the M&P pistols are if you like to shoot small groups. The Shield is a different animal. A lot of the members on the M&P Pistol forum will say the same thing - their Shields out shoot their full sized M&P pistols.
One of the guys on the forum has mentioned he's looking to get a 40 S&W Shield slide/barrel (they're everywhere on the web and ebay) to put on his Shield Plus frame. He believes he can modify the magazines to hold/feed .40 S&W ammo by opening the lips up just a bit. I'm sort of waiting to see how it does. Not sure I want to shoot a .40 S&W Shield though.
Now, why don't I just buy the small P10? No thumb safety.
A picture. I was adjusting the laser on my 1.0 Shield 9MM to get POA and POI together on the target using the same 115 grain hollowpoints that shoot so well in my CZ 9MM pistols. Range 7.5 yds. off hand. Shoot 3 shots, adjust the laser "up." Shoot 3 shots, adjust the laser up. Shoot 3 more shots and had it where I wanted it.

For a pocket sized 9MM they shoot pretty good.