Hi All,
Long time lurker first time poster. Today I had two P10C's have the exact same FTF issue where the round took a nose dive right into the barrel. Of course this happened for the first time in "P10C 1" during a Steel Challenge match on the first round of the day. "P10C 2" had experienced this issue one time about 2 weeks ago but I had just gotten it back from getting milled for an optic and just chalked it up to the gun being bone dry and did not think twice about it since I had no other issues that day. The ammo that was used was 115 gr FMJ reloads from Stand 1. About two weeks ago and probably a month prior to that, I had put roughly 500 rounds of 2 batches through P10C 1 with nothing except for 1 light primer strike - otherwise the ammo cycled flawlessly. I retired P10C 1 after the FTF happened twice in a row and went to P10C 2. P10C 2 then had the same FTF right off the bad (first round fires, second FTF nose dove). Luckily a guy in my squad was able to shoot the Stand 1 ammo without issue so we swapped what I had for some 115 aluminum case Blazer. I did not shoot P10C 1 again the rest of the day (stupid in hindsight but I had already caused enough of a delay I did not want to cause any more potential issues). P10C 2 then continued to fire along with 1 FTF, the same nose dive maybe 50 rounds later, but then after that functioned for the final 3 stages with no issues so maybe another 75 or so rounds.
This is the first time I have any type of stoppage with either of these guns and both have close to 4k rounds on them. P10C 1 has pretty much been set up as described below since I have owned it, P10C however was completely stock until maybe 3 months ago. The mags I was using were a combination of brand new and old and then a couple pinned mags (Home for me is the ban state of NJ). The issue was a pain to clear so we did not try to re-create it too often. Ideally I would have tried to see if it was mag specific but given I know I had the FTF with at least 1 brand new mag and 1 pinned mag I don't think it was mag related. At first I thought well it has to be the ammo (and perhaps it still could be) but I have used the ammo previously and while I did have 1 issue with P10C 2 it was 1 out of maybe 100 rounds and I have zero issues with P10C 1 during that same training session. Also the other guy in the squad ran the ammo with no issue and I did experience the issue with the aluminum blazer. Then I thought well maybe it was magazine related, but to have it happen with at least 1 brand new mag and one mag I have had since I owned my first P10 just seemed weird. Then I thought well maybe the recoil spring, but again, I go back to P10C 1 never having this issue. And unlikely to be barrel related since they are different barrels.
Sorry for the extremely long post, but hoping someone here can shed some light or experience with this. Not sure when I will have the time, but my next plan is to take 100 rounds of various brands (factory and reloads) that I have and do 50 rounds in each gun using various mag and recoil spring combinations...other than that I am at a complete loss.
P10C 1: Primary Machine Barrel, HBI Trigger, CGW Striker & Spring, Primary Machine Recoil Spring (Red) and Rod
P10C 2: Stock Barrel, HBI Trigger, CGW Striker & Spring, Primary Machine Recoil Spring (Red) and Rod