I did stretch the springs by just a tiny amount.
I knocked the edges off the followers with a fine file. Maybe I took too little off. I was also thinking I could use some fine sandpaper to make the edges extra smooth.
What kind of dry lube do you use on your mags?
WD 40 Specialist Dry Lube. I do this same treatment with every mag, even new ones.
Removed the baseplate, spring, and follower. Clean all parts with a solvent, wipe dry, spray the parts and inside the mag with dry lube (it drys almost instantly), and reassemble.
While some will say that's not necessary with new mags, I view it the same as cleaning a new firearm before shooting as I now have an established base with which to accurately judge the firearm and/or mag. New and used firearms get the same treatment. Otherwise, if a problem arises, I might be chasing ghosts due to not having properly cleaned the mag/firearm.
It takes only a little while, but provides peace of mind.
Stretching the spring might be the culprit and/or being heavy-handed in smoothing the follower.
Good luck.