My Dad was the breeder for Gunner. She was in a litter of 8, 4 black and white (all male EXCEPT Gunner), 3 Liver and White, and one tri-color (who my Dad kept, and he is absolutely beautiful, names Toby).
I took Gunner out for her first season at birds last fall, and she flushed me 2 grouse and a pheasant. Now, we have to lock her in the family room just to clean our guns. The smell of Hoppes gets her going every time, and if she sees the shotgun out she goes nuts. It's so much fun with her around.
I have a kitty cat too, a domestic long hair named Gail. She's 9 years old, has FIV, and you'd never know it. The only unfortunate thing (outside of the obvious) is that I can't have another kitty until Gail is gone, which I obviously don't ever want to happen so hey.
Yea, Kevin inherited a family, that's for sure!